The Spain Journal

María de la O: "We demand from the Government a Plan with effective measures to support trade and reactivate consumption" Today at the Committee on Industry and Commerce

La diputada del GPP en el Congreso de los Diputados, Mª de la O Revilla

Holders of his speech:

• The MPP deputy calls on the Government to implement a Plan with "effective measures" to support trade and revive consumption to maintain its contribution to the economy and employment.

• Urges the Executive to sit down with the sector: "The recovery is not going to be unfortunately immediate, it all depends on what the Government does."

• Values ​​the weight of the fashion sector on our economy: "It is one of the economic and social pillars of our country, which generates up to 6,000 million in taxes."

• Warns of the danger that specific measures will not be adopted to alleviate the effects of the health crisis, as “a third of jobs and 25% of the sector could be lost, more than important and sufficient data to take it seriously”.

• He warns about the impact that the Executive's mismanagement has had on the sector during the pandemic, such as "the contradictions between Ministries on sales", which added to the limitations in stores and the fall in consumption lead us "to a great staff adjustment that could be higher than in 2008, when more than 13,000 jobs were lost ”.

• Regrets the ineffectiveness of the measures announced by the Executive against the closure of shops, because the ICOs have not come as they should, nor have they helped with the payment of rents: "Where we need antibiotics, paracetamol is being put".

• Highlights the initiative of the Madrid City Council We will return if you return, in collaboration with the sector, against the economic effects of the crisis: “Each week of confinement has meant between 250 and 300 million euros for fashion stores and economic uncertainty ballast consumption. It is a priority to regain confidence due to fear of contagion ”.

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