María Soledad García Oliva, has been elected, by acclamation, the new president of CEOE-CEPYME Guadalajara, during the course of its 41st General Assembly, with 100% of the endorsements of the Board of Directors and protected by Antonio Garamendi, president of CEOE and before the presence of more than 200 people from the business world, and political and social life from the province of Guadalajara.

María Soledad replaces Agustín de Grandes Pascual, who has held the Presidency of the Alcarreña Employers for 16 years, four legislatures in which the institution has been modernized and has become a benchmark in the business world, at the local, provincial, regional and national levels, cataloging this stage as the most successful of the 41 years of the Patronal's history alcarreña.

The new president, during his speech, besides thanking the work of Agustín de Grandes during these years, described his success management to mark the lines of work of the next four years, where he highlighted the continuity of a confederation of modern and open entrepreneurs to all. Where the struggle to put in value the figure of the employer will remain one of its maxims, without forgetting the figures of the self-employed and the entrepreneur.

"We will work to continue to be an associative example at the local, provincial, regional and national levels," added María Soledad García, "who hopes that CEOE-CEPYME Guadalajara will continue to be" the home of all entrepreneurs ".

The support, collaboration and work with administrations such as the Board of Communities of Castilla-La Mancha in matters of training, and with the City of Guadalajara and the much-needed Provincial Council of Guadalajara, in the project "Guadalajara Empresarial", to continue attracting companies and investment for the province, will continue to mark the day to day of the Confederation of businessmen of Guadalajara, in addition to technical visits in the field of risk prevention, environment or advice, among other activities carried out by the staff of the employers alcarreña.

The new president has not wanted to forget the rest of the municipality of the province of Guadalajara with whom it collaborates, to provide better and better service to employers throughout the province. As well as the close collaboration with CECAM, the regional employers, to follow a common line of work within the Autonomous Community.

Because, as concluded by the new president of CEOE-CEPYME Guadalajara, María Soledad García, "we must not forget that we are the entrepreneurs, the true engines of an economy and those who create wealth and jobs in a territory."

On the other hand, Agustín de Grandes, in his farewell speech, recalled his 16 years as head of the Alcarreña Employership, as the first years were very hard and hard work until the former COPEG was positioned, as the Confederation we know today.

Doing a review of its four legislatures, De Grandes has recalled the process of modernization that CEOE-CEPYME Guadalajara has suffered, growing even, with its headquarters in Sigüenza and the opening of the Training and Business Center. Everything, to give a better and greater service to the business sector of the province of Guadalajara.

The normalization of relations with institutions such as the Community Board, the Guadalajara City Council and the Provincial Council of Guadalajara, have made a more favorable climate for investment in our province, without forgetting social peace, thanks to daily contact maintained with union representatives who, at the time of the greatest crisis suffered, were able to rise to the occasion.

The increase in the number of partners, has been another of the aspects remembered by the former president of the Alcarreña Employer, as well as the bets decided by the future entrepreneurs with the opening of the European Business and Innovation Center of Guadalajara, which this 2019 meets 10 years to 99% of its occupation, to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship, or the "Guadalajara Empresarial" project, launched a little over a year ago together with the City Council of GUADALAJARA and the Provincial Council to attract companies and investment to the Province.

Agustín de Grandes, leaves CEOE-CEPYME Guadalajara after 16 years and four legislatures being re-elected always by acclamation, as a benchmark in the business world and covered by practically all of the political, military and civil society of the province of Guadalajara.

Antonio Garamendi, president of CEOE, present at the close of the 41st General Assembly of CEOE-CEPYME Guadalajara, had nothing but words of thanks and praise for the person of Agustín de Grandes for his work at the head of the Alcarreña Employer in these 16 years while praising the president-elect, María Soledad García, before the new journey that will begin and the fact of being a businesswoman working in the sector of industry, often reviled.

Garamendi also referred to the challenges that García Oliva will face, not only to the daily life of the Alcarria Confederation, but also to those of a globalized world where he referred, among other things, to training dual, so necessary and for which you have to bet in Spain. The president of CEOE Nacional talked about the work of the organization in three concepts, Independence, Sense of State and Institutional Loyalty, to finish, once again, thanking Agustín de Grandes for his work during these four legislatures and congratulations to the new president of CEOE-CEPYME Guadalajara, María Soledad García Oliva.


Prior to this closure, the 41st General Assembly of CEOE-CEPYME Guadalajara took place, in which accounts were given to the assembly members present of the activities carried out during 2018

The still president of the Alcarreña Employer, Agustín de Grandes, referred to 2018 as the year in which the investments and the arrival of new companies or the increase in the production of those already installed in the province of Guadalajara has become more evident.

But at the same time I recognized that, "We must continue working, because we are still a province that grows at two speeds", so it believes that we must enhance the best that each area of ​​Guadalajara has, such as tourism in practically all of the province and the logistics sector in the area of ​​the Henares Corridor, without forgetting the industry, for this he remembered the creation, just over a year ago, of "Guadalajara Empresarial", together with the Guadalajara City Council and the Provincial Council of Guadalajara, to attract companies and investment to the province.

Unemployment along with access to credit by businesses and families was another of the topics discussed in this 41st General Assembly of CEOE-CEPYME Guadalajara. As recognized by the president of the Alcarreña Employer "Guadalajara has always behaved less badly than the rest of the provinces of Castilla-La Mancha, even at the national level."

Regarding the internal data of the Business Confederation of Guadalajara, Agustín de Grandes highlighted the 12 months of intense work, where CEOE-CEPYME Guadalajara has continued to be the interlocutor of the business world. Mentioning, in turn, the most outstanding activities of the different departments that make up the alcarreña employers.

The Employer, thanked the confidence of employers, which year after year, continues to grow in its number of partners, as well as in the services and actions provided, in addition to continuing its commitment to training in our province, closing the year 2018 with more than 4,000 students trained between seminars, courses and seminars. A training level certified by its quality standard, which is why it maintains the UNE-EN ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Certification.

The technicians of the Department of Occupational Risk Prevention of CEOE-CEPYME Guadalajara, in their daily work to promote the preventive culture within the companies of the province of Guadalajara, made, throughout the year, 350 shares in companies from all corners from the province. And the Department of Environment and Quality has done the same with many other advice to companies in the province.

One more year, a new edition of the 2018 Business Excellence Awards took place, where entrepreneurs awarded the most outstanding businessmen of the year in different categories. In the same way, the Human Resources Forum of the province of Guadalajara took place, which this 2018 reached its twelfth edition.

The Legal Department is another key piece of management, as collective bargaining has been highly valued by the partners. The issue, that of the agreements, which still remains one of the most delicate aspects, although, and this is to be welcomed, both workers and trade unions are aware that the situation is not yet the desirable, so we must continue with that effort, by all, and moderate the present growth to achieve future growth.

The European Center for Business and Innovation of Guadalajara (CEEI Guadalajara), whose employers are the City of Guadalajara, the Provincial Council of Guadalajara, APETI and CEOE-CEPYME Guadalajara, concluded 2018 with 65 companies installed in their offices leaving only 1% free of your space. Offering, in addition, advice, training and information for the creation of new companies, in addition to helping the consolidation of existing ones.

Similarly, the president referred to the ongoing collaboration with the Board of Communities of Castilla-La Mancha, Provincial Council of Guadalajara, with their support allow the Alcarria Employers, be closer to the entrepreneurs of the province, He spoke of the collaborations with the different city councils of the province, such as Guadalajara or Sigüenza, as well as with other municipalities in the province.

Without forgetting the events held on the occasion of the 40th anniversary as were the two business breakfasts, the business photography contest and the celebration of the 40th General Assembly with the awarding of recognitions to people, companies and entities that collaborated actively during these four decades of the Alcarreña Employer.

Regarding the future prospects, De Grandes spoke of uncertainty, before the new government, but also of prosperity, remembering the agreement that had just been signed between employers and unions, remembering how beneficial it is for a society and society. economy in general, dialogue, of all the parties involved.

By 2019, from CEOE-CEPYME Guadalajara, a work plan has been prepared with news, challenges and new illusions and where more services will be offered to its members. Within these lines of action will continue betting on the Corredor del Henares, without forgetting the rest of the province, water, and the tourism sector, among other aspects to achieve position Guadalajara as the center of investment and not only national, but also international.

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