Holders of their statements before the media:
- “We are facing the chronicle of a fiscal increase announced. True to its tradition, the PSOE has today revealed part of its agenda to raise taxes for all Spaniards with the creation of the tax on financial transactions and the Internet tax, which they already contemplated approving a year ago. ”
- "Instead of being champions of surplus, budgetary stability and growth in Europe, we have become champions of increasing fiscal pressure."
- The deputy spokesman of the GPP censures "a nonsense" that "does not add public accounts and creates a very important distortion in the national market by establishing a tax barrier that does not exist in the rest of the EU."
- "When in Europe there is no homogeneous regime on internet rates and financial transactions, Spain today becomes the first country that precipitates and anticipates these two taxes in its territory."
- “The approval of these two taxes entails immediate damage in terms of competitiveness. In terms of tax collection, it will have less tax impact than expected ”.
- “It is estimated that the tax collection for the two taxes will be 1,800 million. The Government had committed to an increase in spending of 4.8 billion. Minister Montero must explain where she is going to get the 3,000 million missing. ”
- "To balance the accounts and meet the objective of stability, it will be at the cost of increasing other taxes: VAT, Personal Income Tax or Companies."
- “The Internet tax, whether you like it or not, will be paid by all Spaniards. What is the point of Spain anticipating a regulation that will be subject to harmonization in the future?
- “Nor does it make sense to anticipate the rest of the countries in the tax on financial transactions. The financial institutions where this tax has been implemented have transferred the load, via commissions, to the users ”.