Holders of his speech:
• The GPP deputy spokesman reproaches the Government for “its absence” on urgent issues and its “very ineffective” solutions on important issues.
• He warns of the serious deterioration of the Spain brand, "that we have to overcome by working together", given that our country "is already at the forefront of all the indicators of large institutions", but for negative reasons.
• Points out "the many shady areas" that persist in the health crisis, and calls on the Government to recognize "the failures" in its management in order to move forward:
"We head the list of countries that do not know the exact number of deaths."
• Reject González Laya's words about ‘the existential crisis that the EU is suffering’ and about ‘the crisis that the liberal economy is also suffering’: “Denying the very essence and root of the EU is a mistake by the minister”.
• Rejects the questioning of “the very reason for being” of the EU, replacing the fact that Europe rises! to which Europe is dessert! from his government partners: "They have gone from being Eurosceptics to Euro-debtors by natural right."
• Regrets that the pressure on oppressed peoples such as the Venezuelan has experienced growth due to the pandemic, and urges the Government not to maintain the equidistance between oppressors and oppressed: "Democracy has juggled before satrapy, politics is succumbing before the anti-politics ”.
• He asks the minister to respond to the words of former President Zapatero about "putting the United States in an impossible situation," and to anticipate what the new relations with China will be like and if there will be "a decoupling process" with the United States.