He points out that "if Sanchez did not want to turn his back on the Autonomous Communities and the Chamber, he would appear in the Senate safely on September 10"

The spokesman of the Popular Group in the Senate, Javier Maroto, today he accused the president of the acting Government, Pedro Sánchez, of "hiding" from the Senate and turning his back on both the Autonomous Communities and the House itself. He has also accused the PSOE of "hiding its president" and deeply despising the senators and the Senate.

Throughout his intervention before the media after the Board of Spokesmen, Maroto explained that the Senate will hold two plenary sessions in September, on 10 and 24, with control sessions in both Plenary sessions, and that the PSOE has decided that The President of the Government appears at the control session on the 24th.

“This is an anomaly – says the GPP spokesman – that Pedro Sánchez is hiding and hiding, since we do not know for sure if he will appear in the Senate, because he does not want to do it in the first of the plenary sessions marked, that of the day September 10 to be held safely; and it will only appear in the Senate in the second session, on the 24th, that we don't know if it will be held or not because we don't know if there will be a Legislature or not. ”

Thus, Maroto said that “if Sanchez did not want to turn his back on the Autonomous Communities and the Chamber, he would appear safely on day 10. The trick of hiding in another plenary after the end of the decision period, of knowing if there is or not Legislature, shows that Sanchez wants to turn his back on this House, that he does not want control of the groups and that he hides. ”

For this reason, Javier Maroto recalls that only if there is a government will Sánchez come to appear in the Senate; if there is no Government, "Sanchez will hide behind a curtain so as not to be in this House in this Legislature, and all senators will pass through the House without even seeing the acting President of the Government."

Along the same lines, the leader of the ranks of the popular in the Senate has assured that from the PP we regret that Sánchez shows cowardice by not responding to what many groups want to say and ask on behalf of millions of citizens.

Finally, Javier Maroto considers this event "very serious" in what has to do with respect for our Chambers.

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