El portavoz del GPP en el Senado, Javier Maroto

The spokesman for the Popular Parliamentary Group in the Senate, Javier Maroto, has described as "very serious" that the PSOE intends to "veto and silence the Upper House so that President Sánchez does not have to answer uncomfortable questions."

Speaking to the media through videoconference, Maroto has denounced that the socialist party "is taking long, both for control sessions to be held with the government, and for the General Commission of Autonomous Communities to meet" and has been resounding at affirm that "putting a gag on the Senate shows the lack of transparency of the Government".

Thus, the spokesman for the popular in the Senate has explained that the Table and Spokesmen of the General Commission of the Autonomous Communities, today decided to request a report from the lawyers, when the Senate Table itself approved, this week, the "Imminent convocation" of said Commission.

Maroto has affirmed that “from the Popular Party we are not going to allow democracy to be muzzled. The government's position is a tease for the Senate. " In addition, he assured that the CC.AA. Commission "is the only forum where parties, the governments of the different CCAA and the Government of Spain can meet."

"The Table of the General Commission of Autonomous Communities does not have to express an opinion, but rather comply with the resolution of the Table of the Senate", which approved, with the votes of the Popular Party and the PNV, "the imminent meeting of the Commission cannot be within two or three weeks as intended by the PSOE ", has denounced.

On the other hand, Maroto has announced that his Group has requested the Government to evaluate the death data in Spain during the years 2017, 2018 and 2019, in order to be able to make a comparison with the data from the Civil Registry of 2020.

“Lies have short legs. Unfortunately, trying to disguise the figures with a protocol from the Ministry of Health that obliges the Autonomous Communities to give only the figures of those who have tested positive, it is miserable and a deception for the Spanish. Everyone knows that precisely what is lacking in Spain is the tests ”, he asserted.

In his opinion, "the Government tries to camouflage the numbers of deaths from coronavirus by failing to count as victims of this pandemic people who have not been tested, mainly the elderly who have died in residences."

The PP spokesman has stated that "the protocol set by the Ministry of Health is far from reality. The deaths of the elderly in the residences have not been computed due to lack of evidence and do not appear in the general statistics of deaths due to coronavirus, ”he stressed.

Maroto explained that the Government protocol only computes those "confirmed" by coronavirus, but not the "possible and probable". And he pointed out that “many people are dying, but they are not counted because they lack the proof.

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