· The spokesman for the Popular Parliamentary Group in the Senate has assured that today's message from Europe “is very important for those of us who want and believe in Europe. Europe works, Europe is necessary ”.
· Maroto asked "what would become of Spain if Europe had not been here, today, present to help us".
· The popular spokesman has pointed out that “Spain is the only country in Europe that has a communist vice-president, and that scares the rest of the countries quite a bit; but despite this, the PP has been supporting Spain to death.
· Regarding the votes in the Commission for the Reconstruction of Congress, Javier Maroto has assured that "from the PP we are going to be negotiating until the last minute in a positive light".
· Javier Maroto has said that “in the PP we defend public education to death, but also concerted education; We do not believe that boys and girls who attend concerted education are second category, as the Sánchez government now intends, cutting aid to those education centers ”.
· In the economic agreement, the difficulty has been taxes. "Sánchez believes that by burning the Spaniards to taxes I could collect more and the PP's policies are very clear: lower taxes to reactivate the economy and help job creation," he stated flatly.
· In health matters, Maroto is committed to a Cajal Pact to reinforce primary care, both in personnel and material resources; and having a State Health Agency, to be sure that there are enough companies in Spain to produce the necessary material.
· "We are willing to vote yes, this afternoon, to a health pact that is a proposal that President Pablo Casado has been making for a long time", has ended.