The popular spokesman highlights the "seriousness" that one can be talking about the granting of prison benefits for politicians convicted of sedition
The spokesman of the Popular Group in the Senate, Javier Maroto, has demanded that Pedro Sánchez “give immediate explanations about the content of the negotiation table with ERC”, given the “seriousness that one can be talking about the granting of prison benefits to politicians convicted of sedition. ”
Likewise, the spokesman for the popular in the Senate has asked Sánchez to explain if “in addition to that brief and ridiculous statement of just seven lines,” there are other contents. "The Popular Party is very concerned that we may be talking about the granting of prison benefits," he said.
As Maroto explained, two requirements are necessary for the granting of the second degree: repentance and not reoccurring in the crime committed. "Politicians imprisoned for sedition do not meet either requirement," he said.
"We are very concerned – he stressed – that there is talk of prison benefits by the prison authorities of Catalonia without being answered by the State," which would also allow "to see Junqueras on the street during the day, even if I have to sleep in jail at night. ”
Maroto has indicated that "although it depends on the decision of the politicians of Catalonia, it also depends on the supervision of the Government of Spain, except if it has been agreed to look the other way," he denounced.
Maroto has assured that Sánchez “has only one plan, to repeat the pact with the same partners in the motion of censure. It has no plan B ”. Therefore, he has insisted on demanding explanations from Sánchez about “what is being forged at the negotiating table”.
On the other hand, the spokesman of the PP has described as “policy of coherence and with capital letters” the cession of a senator of the Popular Party to Citizens so that they can have their own group in the Upper House.
“The PP prefers to be generous so that another constitutionalist party that defends national sovereignty has its own voice in the Senate,” said Maroto, who also wanted to highlight the generosity of the senator of the Popular Group that was part of the candidacy of Navarra Suma, Amelia Salanueva.
In his opinion, "it is very positive for this House that Citizens have their own group", and has described as "very good" the relationship with the spokeswoman for said political formation, Lorena Roldán.
Finally, Javier Maroto has announced that his Group has submitted a document in the House register so that the formulas used by the senators to comply with the Constitution are reviewed, one by one, and it is studied whether each senator has expressed clearly and unambiguous its willingness to comply and invalidate those that do not comply with Article 11.3 of the Regulation.