On Wednesday June 24, the president of CEOE International, Marta Blanco, participated in the virtual meeting of the private sector alliance EMPOWER of the G20, of which she is a part.
EMPOWER was born under the past presidency of the Japanese G20, for a two-year term, as a private sector alliance, that seeks to promote and promote the representation of women in leadership positions within the private sector. The group brings together senior business representatives from the G20 countries.
During her speech, Marta Blanco attracted attention, among others, on three aspects:
- The Training is a fundamental tool to promote the incorporation of women in management positions (Promote and Progress programs).
- The Mvoluntary edidas are effective, proof of this is the increase in the representation of women on the boards of directors in Spain in a very short time.
- The cpublic – private work phermit ensure consensual and sustainable decision making.