06-03-2020 | Cs
The deputy Sonia Sierra believes that TV3 acts as a 'separatist transmission belt' differentiating in 'the blackmail table between the Catalan and Spanish delegation'
"If TV3 wants to be exemplary, it should cancel the contract that it has in force with Triacom, since its role is being investigated in the possible irregular financing of Convergència." This has been expressed by the deputy of Citizens (Cs) in the Parliament, Nacho Martín Blanco, during the control commission to the Catalan Corporation of Mitjans Audiovisuals (CCMA), in which the orange deputy has lamented that the separatist parties have rejected a Motion for a resolution in which the management of TV3 is required to cease contracts with companies linked to possible corruption offenses. "You have to exercise caution, you cannot tolerate the use of money from all citizens to pay for political campaigns," he added.
Along the same lines, Martín Blanco has added that "TV3 manipulates, distorts, explains a parallel reality, as when he insists on affirming every day that Puigdemont is an exile and not an escape from justice." The deputy of the orange formation has explained that “other examples of the insult to intelligence and teasing that is TV3 are to insist that those convicted of 'procés' are political prisoners and deny that they committed serious crimes or claim that Catalan is a oppressed society ”.
On the other hand, the deputy Sonia Sierra, has denounced that “TV3 is the separatist transmission belt” as when reporting on the “blackmail table” and makes a clear differentiation “between the Catalan delegation and the Spanish delegation, as if the Catalans We weren't Spanish. ” He has also given as an example that, in the weather map, Europe or the “non-existent Països Catalans” appear but not the map of all of Spain. In fact, “the noun Spain does not exist on TV3, there is only the adjective‘ Spanish ’in the phrase Esta l’Estat espanyol’ ”he said. Finally, Sierra has criticized the lack of ideological plurality and gender parity among those interviewed in the ‘Questions Freqüents’ program on TV3.