05-07-2019 | Cs

Deputy Sonia Sierra states that 'many Catalans are tired of paying such an expensive television that only speaks of separatism'

"As the director of TV3, he should comply with the judicial resolutions, so he would not have to answer to her." This has been said by the deputy of Citizens (Cs) in the Parliament in the control commission of the Catalan Corporation of Mitjans Audiovisuals (CCMA) to the director of TV3, Vicent Sanchis, after he has criticized the resolutions of the Central Electoral Board and to be prosecuted for issuing publicity of the illegal 1-O referendum.

Martín Blanco reminded the director that "in a state of affairs who has the opinion on what is legal or not are the courts" and has said that public channels "have become accustomed to criminalize everything that has to do with Spain" . "What TV3 is doing is not normal," he has sentenced.

The deputy regretted that the public media "are an instrument at the service of the separatist project" and has put the broadcast of the report 'Llenguaferits' as "one of the most pornographic examples" of this use. "President Torra says that speaking Spanish in Catalonia is not normal, spokeswoman Budó refuses to answer questions in Spanish and, now, in the public media, Catalan is considered as a language in danger of extinction," he said. adding that "the 'proces' is a nightmare for most Catalans."

Also in the commission, the deputy Sonia Sierra has affirmed that "many Catalans are fed up of paying a so expensive television that speaks only of the separatism" and has indicated that "the Catalan is not in danger, the unique danger is the one of the nationalists loving themselves appropriate a language. " Finally, he regretted that the separatist groups did not want to condemn the sexist insults and the LGTBI + collective that some collaborators of TV3 and Catalunya Rádio have done both on the air and on social networks after Cs presented a resolution proposal in this sense.

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