12-06-2019 | Cs
The deputy of Cs sees 'outrageous' that the Catalan executive has been spent, only in February, '35 .000? of all to pay for their separatist parties'
"Today it would have to be holding a plenary session, but it is not being done because the Government and the president of the Parliament, Roger Torrent, have preferred to see the final plea of their friends in the Supreme Court." This has been said by the deputy of Citizens (Cs), Nacho Martín Blanco, on the last day of the trial of 'procés' that coincides with the day that should be holding the plenary and that the separatist parties decided to change tomorrow to "go to Madrid "to support the independence leaders who are being judged for" giving a blow to democracy ".
In a press conference in the Catalan chamber, Martín Blanco has lamented the "partisan use" that these parties make of the Catalan institutions: "They close the Parliament when they want, suspend plenary sessions and silence the Opposition", he said. In this sense, he has referred to a response from the Government to a question from Cs about the expenses that he has generated with his trips to the Supreme Court and that amounts to a figure of 35,000 euros only in the month of February. "It is outrageous that the money of all the Catalans is spent to pay for their separatist parties, instead of dedicating them to ending the waiting lists or the barracks in the schools," he has sentenced.
To finish, the deputy of Cs has referred to the controversial press conference of the spokeswoman of the Catalan executive and consellera de Presidència, Meritxell Budó, in which she refused to answer a question from a journalist in Spanish. "This denotes his way of understanding Catalan society and exclusionary and sectarian nationalism," he concluded.