
CEOE has hosted the day Are we prepared for real equality?, organized by the Spanish Association of Businesswomen of Madrid, ASEME, and that has also had the support of CEPYME, CEIM -Confederación de Empresarios de Madrid-, and Cámara Madrid.

The day has been developed through 15-minute conferences, starring women leaders in different areas of society.

The inauguration was carried out by Miguel Garrido, president of CEIM, who said that being an entrepreneur has no gender, and that men and women share the same difficulties. Garrido has expressed the organization's determined support for conciliation, time flexibility and work for objectives, while expressing that companies, in addition to being in solidarity, have to be profitable, for which all talent must be incorporated .

Next, Nathalie Gianese, Director of Studies and Quality of Informa D&B, presented the report Presence of women in the Spanish company, which analyzes its evolution since the implementation of the Equality Law, in 2007. The study shows that the proportion of women in the Boards of Directors has varied very little since 2008.

On the other hand, Eva Blázquez, Vice Minister of Employment of the Community of Madrid, has referred to equality from the point of view of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In his opinion, co-responsibility should be sought, rather than conciliation, and advocates taking important measures for autonomous women, beyond a reduced rate, such as hiring incentives that favor profitability and productivity.

The CEO of the CEOE Campus, María Teresa Gómez-Condado, has assured that the companies have assumed the goal of equality as their own, and has presented the initiatives in this area carried out by the Confederation, such as support for equality in the collective bargaining or training, aspect in which he has referred to the Project Promote and STEM training.

Then, Mª Jesús Pérez Ruiz de Valbuena, CEO of Adams Formation, who has reviewed her career, first as a lawyer in the defense of women's rights and, later, in the direction of the family business, at the end of The eighties.

On the other hand, Inés Juste, president of Grupo Juste and fourth generation of family business, has told how at the time of defining a succession protocol it was always thought to give each one the most appropriate role to their abilities and knowledge, and not depending on gender.

The treatment of the media to women and their role in the company and society have been exposed by Beatriz Recio, journalist and founder of the Influential Women network, for whom the media try not to be macho, but reflect the reality of the society.

The closing of the day has been carried out by Eva Serrano, president of ASEME, vice president of CEIM and of Madrid Chamber, who has referred to the importance of associations to make women entrepreneurs visible.

Video: http://bit.ly/VideoDiaMujerASEME

Album: http://bit.ly/AlbumdiadelamujerASEME

For more information: comunicacion@aseme.es; Tel. 911547400.

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