06-06-2019 | Cs
The deputy of Cs denounces that TVE announces 'a bombo y sautil that is going to put red carpet so that a criminal condemned by terrorism as Otegui spreads the voice of Batasuna to all Spain'
The deputy of Citizens (Cs), Joan Mesquida, presented on Wednesday the Law of Memory, Dignity and Reparation of Victims of Terrorism "to protect an ethical reference for democracy."
Mesquida, who has attended the media in the Congress of Deputies, after registering the law with the deputies of the liberal formation, Marta Rivera, María Luisa Alonso, and Edmundo Bal, explained that "in the absence of the action of the Government of Sanchez we present a Law to protect the victims of terrorism and expand their rights. "
The deputy of Cs has shelled out among the fundamental aspects of the Law "the guarantee of rights and recognition of the victims who had to leave their home because of terrorist harassment", as well as, "the equalization of compensation of victims whose cases do not have sentences condemnatory. " Also, the law includes the prohibition of acts of homage to terrorists and acts of offense to the victims of terrorism, "acts that during these two and a half years we have seen, and that neither the PP before, nor the PSOE now, with the complicity of the PNV, have done nothing to avoid them. "
Mesquida has also denounced that "precisely today the public TV that we all pay is announcing with great fanfare that it is going to put a red carpet so that a criminal convicted of terrorism like Arnaldo Otegui, spread the voice of Batasuna in all homes in Spain." "Here they have Sanchez's model for Spain: Iglesias in a ministry and Otegui in everyone's TV."
"We are afraid that this interview is one of the conditions that the friends of ETA have put to agree in Navarra and vote in favor of the inauguration of Sanchez", has criticized the orange deputy, who has also reported that this interview is done precisely in the eve of "the Congress of Deputies celebrate a tribute to the victims of terrorism."