The Electoral Assembly of CEIM Confederación Empresarial de Madrid-CEOE has chosen this Tuesday by acclamation to Miguel Garrido de la Cierva as the new President at the head of the Madrid employers' association for the next four years.

The so far General Secretary of CEIM, had already announced himself as the only candidate to preside over the employers, and thus happens to Juan Pablo Lázaro.

After the proclamation of the new President of CEIM, the closing ceremony of the 2019 Electoral Assembly has begun, where, in addition to the President of the Madrid employers' association, Miguel Garrido, the Acting Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto; the Mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida; the Councilor for Transport, Housing and Infrastructure of the Autonomous Community of Madrid, Rosalía Gonzalo; the CEOE President, Antonio Garamendi, and the President of the Madrid Chamber, Ángel Asensio.

Speech by Miguel Garrido as the new president of CEIM

The president of CEIM, Miguel Garrido, has begun his first speech at the head of the Madrid employers, thanking, on the one hand, all those who have trusted him to defend the interests of Madrid businessmen and, on the other, those who have supported throughout his professional career, which began with Viajes ECO; and highlighting his time at the Association of Young Entrepreneurs of Madrid (AJE Madrid), of which he was president, "a period of which I keep a great memory and I have great friends."

Miguel Garrido has highlighted the role of companies and business organizations in the development of society. "Last year CEIM was celebrating 40 years of representation and defense of the Madrid business fabric, and we must continue working on these principles but adapting to the role that corresponds to us in today's society, which happens to be more effective, transparent and independent", affirms Garrido.

In addition, Miguel Garrido has pointed out that the main responsibility of employers is to make their companies profitable, "with this, companies manage to hire and remunerate employees better and pay taxes, thus contributing to the welfare of all citizens."

The President of the employers of Madrid has also stressed that they will continue working closely with the administrations. "The relationship with the administrations is more necessary than ever, and it must be based on the principles of loyalty and firmness. A new stage begins for all and I am sure that the collaboration between the different institutions will be the basis for Madrid to continue being a leader in generating employment. And to achieve this we must promote measures that strengthen the competitiveness of companies, investment in the region and the creation of jobs, which should remain the axes that mark the political agenda.

In this regard, Garrido also wanted to mention the importance of social dialogue as a useful instrument to reach agreements that facilitate the implementation of public policies, and recalled the success of the Madrid Strategy for Employment, approved together with unions and the Community of Madrid .

Looking to the future, the President of CEIM has made reference to the employer's roadmap for the next four years, the Plan 400 Plus. "All sectors of the economy, represented in CEIM, have worked together to develop a series of strategies that seek to consolidate growth and job creation in the Region, and in this regard we will continue to work from CEIM."

To finish, Miguel Garrido, has dedicated a few words to Juan Pablo Lázaro, whom he thanked, on behalf of all CEIM, and in his own, the work and time dedicated to the associative world for many years. "You have given us your example, your time and your talent, this will always be your home." The General Assembly of CEIM has counted with the collaboration of the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid.


After the Electoral Assembly, and as it appears in the Statutes of the employers of Madrid, a Board of Directors has been held, where the new executive of CEIM has been established.


  • Javier Beitia Alonso
  • Luis Collado López
  • Carlos González Bosch
  • Clemente González Soler
  • Juan Moral de la Rosa
  • Jesus Núñez Velázquez
  • Francisco Ruano Tellaeche
  • Eva Serrano Clavero
  • Eduardo Zamácola Ballestero

General Secretary

  • Sara Molero Palomino

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