The Spain Journal

Minotaur news for September

Before the summer break, we are ready to inform you about the great Minotauro news planned for September.

One of the stars of the return to school will be Shadow Council, the second part of the thrilling trilogy Shadows of magic from V.E. Schwab The end of the saga will not be begged and will arrive in November, under the title Spell of Light.

They will also highlight the reissues of two great classics, included in two indispensable new collections:Martian Chronicles of Ray Bradbury (Essential Minotaur) and My tears flow, said the policeman by Philip K. Dick (Author Libraries). A careful selection, unified formats and updated cover designs will shape the respective identity of the two editorial lines.

Finally, the epic fantasy of the Warhammer Universe will be represented by Corax Y Blood Crucible.

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