The spokesperson for the Municipal VOX Group in the Granada City Council, Onofre Miralles, has been very critical today with the position of IU-Podemos and PSOE regarding the municipal government's proposal to make a productivity distribution amounting to 200,000 euros. "They have behaved as hostages of their aggrieved unions, forgetting the enormous drama that thousands of families from Granada are experiencing and accepting the lie of the municipal government that this game could only be used for civil servants."

Last Friday, the government team voted on an extraordinary loan by which a non-existent item was created financed with loans not used in an internal promotion, and based on an agreement of the union Negotiating Table to keep the file of distribution of productivity.

“From a technical point of view, those 200,000 euros could have been used as aid to the self-employed, SMEs, and even to distribute 10,000 Christmas bonuses to people without resources. However, all municipal groups -except VOX- have chosen to look elsewhere and retake a 2018 agreement to distribute it among officials, ”the VOX spokesperson added.

According to Miralles, “it is not a question of putting the official in question, but the truth is that both politicians and public employees have not suffered any economic damage from the COVID pandemic, and it was perfectly possible to have shown that Granada politicians look with the same eyes the enormous social problem that the neighbors live ”.

In view of the positioning of all the groups last Friday, the VOX spokesperson has questioned the legality of a linear distribution of productivity, since this complement must be quantified based on a clear objective evaluation of the job. Likewise, it has spoiled the local government by its lie when explaining the file and announces that it will make positive, legal and common sense proposals, to prevent this file from being blocked by the shortcomings and inaccuracies that have been carried out in its processing.

To this end, the Municipal VOX Group will propose, as a lesser evil, a productivity aimed at officials subject to essential services such as the Local Police and Firefighters, as well as those subject to the activities outlined in the minimum services decree that established the City Council of Granada itself.

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