It requires measures and deadlines that are written in the DOE and in the BOE
The president of the Popular Party of Extremadura, José Antonio Monago, has affirmed that "the problem of the field is not solved with motions or commissions." Thus, the leader of the PP has criticized that the "two great measures" of the PSOE to solve the problems of Extremadura farmers have been to announce motions in the municipalities and create a commission in the Assembly, which the Popular Group has not attended because It is not the "mocker" to silence the sound of tractors on the street.
Monago has assured that what the PP will continue to do is demand solutions from the PSOE governments at the Junta and in Moncloa, to meet the demands of farmers and ranchers. Likewise, Guillermo Fernández Vara has regretted having to create a commission after five years of uninterrupted governance, when problems are fixed “with solutions, with measures, with deadlines, writing in the DOE and in the BOE”, in short, with fewer words and more action.
The president of the PP has refused to try to silence the camp "because of the bajini", and recalled that they tried to sticks 20 days ago and tried yesterday with the "draconian conditions" that put the Delegation of the Government to not have strike effect. For Monago, demands such as interrupting unemployment every half hour "was neither a road cut nor was it anything." In addition, he has insisted that when there is an absolute majority, measures must be taken, but the Ministry of Agriculture is untrained in the management of the agricultural sector.
Monago has insisted that a field of the 21st century must have prices of the 21st century, and it may not be that it is costing to produce as in the 21st century, but the prices are of the last century. Thus, it has made it clear that “if there is no agricultural sector that works, El Corte Inglés does not work,” and this is a general thing that affects cities and towns because all businesses are nourished by clients who are people of the field that will also consume cities, and thousands of families.
Also, he stressed that in Spain there is a government that “has to be used thoroughly” because the debate begins in Europe about the distribution of community funds, including funds for the CAP and rural development. The leader of the PP recalled that a 15% cut in the CAP is announced, and can reach more than 20% in rural development, and if this were realized it would be a community budget that would mean ruin for the countryside and for Extremadura, which would lose tens of millions of euros.
For all this, Monago has asked Fernández Vara to go to Brussels and not return until he has “guaranteed 100% of the agricultural income” as did a PP Government in Extremadura, which was negotiating directly with the Government of Spain and looking for alliances in Europe so that one euro of agricultural income was not lost. In this regard, he stressed that no patches are worth, but bring the aid package from our farmers and ranchers.