Holders of their statements before the media:
- He criticizes that Sánchez is "trying to launder those who want to destroy the Constitution" after saying yesterday that he was happy and that negotiations to form a government with those who attack the Magna Carta "are going well."
- It requires Sanchez to explain "the price of agreement" with those who want to destroy Spain.
- He affirms that "Sánchez is still the lord of the no is not" because "he does not want to assume responsibility for the case of the are, does not face the last, and devastating, unemployment data and does not call Casado, thus disregarding the pacts of state that has raised the PP ”.
- Faced with this “serious” situation, the PP will exercise a “clear, firm and responsible” opposition based on defending the Constitution, the Rule of Law and the general interest.
- Reject the "lessons of the left" in defense of the environment and remember that the PP is the party of Miguel Arias Cañete, which has led to the European institutions the fight against climate change, and the party that, already in 1996, created for the first time a Ministry of Environment.
- He claims that the strategy of the city of Madrid in defense of the environment "goes much further" to undertake traffic restrictions.
- He attributes the insults of the left to his attempt to "monopolize a cause that belongs to everyone" and his "nervousness" because they know that they will be many years without governing the capital of Spain.
- He emphasizes that "when the right center is divided, Sánchez and the radical left win", as we have seen in the last general elections and in the configuration of the Congressional Roundtable.
- Remember that "the PP proposed a formula for the right center to be strengthened in this government body and Vox did not want, which led to the strengthening of the left."
- He affirms that in Andalusia the Government agreement with Citizens and investiture with Vox has brought stability and has allowed to lower taxes and improve the economic indicators of this community. “If someone wants to put stability at risk, they will have to respond to the Andalusians.