The PP deputy secretary of Communication affirms that his party will always defend freedom of information and denounces that the Executive of Pedro Sánchez "takes advantage of this state of alarm to cancel the transparency portal and uses the CIS to predispose the Spanish in favor of gagging to the media. "
Remember that until a week ago the government refused to take parliamentary control, the seat of national sovereignty, and that journalists were not allowed to ask directly at the press conferences in La Moncloa.
He insists that Pedro Sánchez does not have the main opposition party to get out of this crisis and regrets that, a week after the plenary session in Congress to extend the state of alarm, no member of the Government or the PSOE has disavowed Adriana Lastra for his attacks and insults on the Popular Party.
He assures that before the performance of the Executive, "installed in improvisation and chaos", the Popular Party is exercising a firm and responsible work, denouncing what has been done wrong and proposing initiatives and measures for "loyalty to Spain and the Spanish" .
In this sense, he explains that the Popular Party has proposed, first of all, "a plan of sanitary and economic shock to avoid more victims, more sick people and the destruction of jobs", sending the necessary materials to "those who are working against this pandemic ”And for the ERTE to be paid.
And, on the other hand, he points out that it is necessary to address other pertinent questions in the medium term within the forums that already exist within the Cortes, such as the commission of the Toledo Pact or the general commission of Autonomous Communities in the Senate. "These are the forums where you must negotiate and dialogue, with light and stenographers," he added.
"The PP will always be there when the Prime Minister calls, but we are not going to fall into the politics of confusion and we are not going to stop being important, which is to end the health crisis and face the economic crisis ", It's over.