Pablo Montesinos en rueda de prensa desde Málaga

The vice-secretary of Communication of the Popular Party reiterates that Pablo Iglesias is Vice President of the Government because Pedro Sánchez wants and calls on the Prime Minister to leave Podemos out of the Council of Ministers

"If Iglesias keeps his word, the word of not so many months ago, his only way out is to resign," says Montesinos, who denounces that both Sánchez and his vice president have a double yardstick.

It demands Iglesias to show his face, appear before the media to give explanations and to stop the attacks by other members of Podemos on the courts and the media.

"The PP gains momentum and is presented as that alternative that can take the reins of the country as soon as elections are held, with a clear and solid project, and with a team of highly trained people."

He affirms that the Popular Party aims to present itself to society as the alternative to a government "characterized by lies, chaos and improvisation", "it has not been up to the occasion."

"Our economic postulates are incompatible with those of the formation of Pablo Iglesias," says Montesinos about "the phantom budgets" of Pedro Sánchez.

He emphasizes that in the face of that "summer snake" of the Government, the PP has presented an economic, health and legal plan in the face of the serious situation we are experiencing, the Let's Activate Spain Plan.

He regrets that, once again, the Prime Minister did not want to sit down with the PP this August to agree on measures, as offered by Pablo Casado, and give "stability and security to the Autonomous Communities."

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