Holders of their statements before the media:

  • The Deputy Secretary of Communication of the PP and number one candidate for the province of Malaga to the Congress of Deputies, said that "the EPA data show that Sanchez is a risk to the Spanish economy."
  • "The president of the acting Government has not taken in recent months the decisions he had to take to remove the clouds on the economic page and deal with the signs of slowing down."
  • "Our priority will be to solve the real problems of people and job creation."
  • “In the face of Sánchez's paralysis, the reformist impulse will return. The example of what we can do can be seen in the Junta de Andalucía, where structural reforms are applied today and there is more stability and certainty ”.
  • On the other hand, Montesinos has insisted that if Pablo Casado wins the elections, the citizens will have a president of the Government "who will not shake his legs when making decisions in Catalonia."
  • After showing his support to the State security forces and bodies, he criticizes that Sánchez has not activated the National Security Law or sent the request to Torra demanding compliance with the law and the Constitution.
  • Finally, he demands that Sanchez apologize to Rajoy for basing the motion of censure on a judicial resolution now criticized by the National Court and that he has assumed that Judge De Prada be removed from the trial of the alleged B box of the PP.

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