Stresses that in the conversation between Sánchez and Casado, the acting president made it clear that he does not want anything with the PP, because he has an “established and clear” plan, which is to agree with United Podemos and the independentistas
- Sanchez has made clear what is his negotiation path, United We can, the separatists who want to break Spain and Bildu. "That is incompatible with the PP because we defend different models," he adds
- Montesinos affirms that “Sanchez's newspaper library, what has been said in the past, is worthless, is not reliable”
- He reminds Sánchez that "he does not have to go with ERC, but has another option the way of Citizens and Navarra Sum" because the numbers give "
- He points out that going back to elections would be an “irresponsibility” with Sánchez as the only person in charge as he was calling the second elections
- He reiterates that the PP is there to reach important state agreements for the country, although “whenever they have been raised by the popular Sanchez has looked the other way”
- He invites Sanchez to demand Torra today to comply with the Constitution and to send him the requirement to comply with the laws or adhere to the consequences
- Stresses that the PP will exercise "an opposition with loyalty to the institutions and the Head of State, vindicating the Constitution and defending the general interest"