- Montesinos stresses that Sanchez goes to Congress tomorrow after starring in "the most opaque negotiation remembered in Spain, with those who want to destroy our country."
- "The first thing that Ábalos has to do is demand that Sánchez face the Spaniards and the media," says the vice secretary of Communication of the PP, who wonders why the president of the government has been hiding. "Because he doesn't want the Spaniards to throw his newspaper library on his face," he says.
- He denounces that during these weeks Sanchez has refused to be accountable to public opinion and has hidden his negotiation “because he is ashamed of it”. Therefore, he adds, the endowment is celebrated in Christmas.
- "The pact of the PSOE and ERC liquidates the national sovereignty with the independentist consultation, has just jostled with the equality between Spaniards with the table of bilateral governments and shatters the legality when talking about overcoming the judicialization of a non-existent political conflict," he emphasizes .
- He reiterates that, as denounced by the PP, Sánchez has always wanted a pact with Podemos and the independentistas and that for this “he has crossed all the red lines in order to remain in power”.
- Announces that Casado will star tomorrow in a speech "in defense of our institutions, the Constitution and Spain against those who want to end the equality of all Spaniards."
- “Casado will send a message of tranquility to the Spaniards. We will be the retaining wall before the plans of Sánchez and his partners. We are not going to consent to changing the constitutional framework, to carry out an illegal referendum or to become a blur and a new account of the escaped and convicted of the 1-O coup ”.
- He emphasizes that the PP is carrying out a "legal and parliamentary offensive in defense of Spain" and exercising a firm and constructive opposition.
- “From the utmost respect to the JEC, and denounced the pressures that its members are suffering, as reported by a media outlet, we reaffirm that Torra cannot be president of the Generalitat or regional deputy, nor can Junqueras be MEPs . That is why we present two appeals to the Electoral Board, so that they are automatically dismissed. ”
- It warns that the PP will not consent to the commitment acquired by the PSOE with the PNV to adapt the structure of the State to the recognition of different nations.
- He denounces that, although Marlaska promised that the Civil Guard would not move from Navarra, now “.as payment to the PNV. he throws them out so that Sanchez is president of the Government. ” "The PP will always be with the Civil Guard and the National Police," he says.
- He regrets that Sánchez has chosen “the worst for Spain”, and indicates that the barons and deputies of the PSOE, “who will vote in favor of the sale of Spain,” are complicit with their silence.
- “They are still on time and they can still stop their feet. We call on the Socialists to return to constitutionalism and the defense of the equality of all Spaniards, to rebel against Sanchez and say enough to this historical drift, ”he warns.
- He points out that the unemployment data known today confirm that Sánchez has done nothing to reverse the signs of economic crisis. "When the PSOE enters through the door of Moncloa, employment goes out the window," he says.
- Against this, it puts in value that where the PP governs the data is better, "which shows that our economic policies work", in reference to Andalusia, Madrid, Murcia or Castilla y León.