The fight against violence against women occupies a priority place for society as a whole and, of course for the National Police, which this year joins the celebration of November 25 with a video starring some of its thousands of agents .

Since 2003, more than 1,000 women have died as victims of gender violence in Spain. In 2018 there were a total of 50 fatalities and in this year 2019 they are already 51. Nearly 80% of those 51 fatalities that occurred during the year we had not filed a complaint, nor did other people.

The #MujeresDeAzul are protagonists

Women have been wearing the National Police uniform and fighting for the safety of all for more than 40 years and have wanted to transmit that force to the thousands of women who suffer gender violence (only the UFAM of the Police has attended almost 35,000 victims of gender violence until November this year) and also society as a whole.

The video through which the National Police intends to support victims of gender violence on this day has been made and starred entirely by women, police officers from different units, scales and categories. Its objective is to underline values ​​such as strength, courage, self-esteem, the ability to fight and overcome obstacles, or the determination that each woman can become the person she wants to be.

Office of Equality and Spanish Police Corps as the largest female presence

Stopping terrorists, directing units with hundreds of troops, investigating corruption schemes or maintaining Citizen Security are some of the functions of the Police, which are currently carried out interchangeably by women and men. In fact, the National Police is made up of more than 9,500 female police officers, with the Spanish police force as the largest female presence (more than 15% of the workforce).

Since 2018, the Police have among their units a National Office for Gender Equality, a specific, permanent body dedicated exclusively to equality between men and women in all areas of the police institution.

During this year 2019, the 40th Anniversary of the incorporation of women in the National Police is also celebrated. Since then women police officers have managed to reach the highest positions and responsibilities, the National Police currently being one of the few bodies in the international arena with women occupying two of the four positions of the highest level of leadership and leadership (Deputy Directors General) .

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