The acting Economy and Business Minister, Nadia Calviño, has transmitted the Government commitment to digital transformation of the economy. For Calviño, digitization is a high priority for the Executive in functions, and it is one of the most important challenges facing Spain. These statements have been made at the inauguration of the 33rd Meeting of the Digital Economy and Telecommunications, organized by AMETIC, the employer of the digital industry in Spain.

These traditional conferences, at the Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP) in Santander, mark the beginning of the course of the sector, posing the challenges and challenges in innovation and technology of the industry in Spain. In this context, Calviño has transmitted the support of the Government in functions to the digital sector, pointing out that “our commitment to the digitalization of Spain is increasingly seen, as evidenced by the great institutional presence in this Meeting”.

The acting minister, who thanked the opportunity to inaugurate the event, the most veteran and with greater participation, has highlighted the objective of "Spain becoming a benchmark in Europe in terms of digitalization." This includes not only a technological or economic transformation, but also a social and political one, he said. In this sense, he has transferred that, "to make the digital transformation a dynamic and positive element of the Spanish economy, public-private collaboration is needed." Thus, he pointed out that, "although the involvement of the administration is necessary, it is a priority that the private sector has an environment that favors investment and entrepreneurship."

In this line, it has highlighted the great weight that small and medium enterprises have in the Spanish business fabric. Therefore, "it is a priority for SMEs to be aware of the benefits of digitalization in their production processes, in order to ensure that the digital transformation of Spain encompasses SMEs as a whole". Another of the issues that Calviño has dealt with during the inauguration of the AMETIC Meeting is the objective of increasing investment in R & D & I and reaching 2% of GDP. Calviño has also highlighted the importance of boosting digital skills, as well as promoting the return and attraction of foreign talent. On the other hand, it has moved the Acting Government efforts for the development of 5G.

Calviño has concluded his speech by launching the message "that much remains to be done". For the minister, the digital transformation is the present and should be understood as a country project that has the support of society as a whole and of all political parties. "In the field of digital transformation we are very good and digitalization must be understood as a dynamic and positive element of the Spanish economy," he concluded.

Along with Calviño, the president of AMETIC, Pedro Mier, also spoke at the opening of the conference, who conveyed the satisfaction of inaugurating the 33rd edition of this Meeting, the most veteran and with the greatest participation, and which this year includes large What's new in your program. He has also taken the opportunity to thank everyone present and the more than 1,500 people who connect live. Likewise, it has indicated the interest and commitment of the Government to boost the digital industry, the first sector that generates employment and wealth.

On the motto of the Meeting, “The moment of digital reindustrialization”, Mier has pointed out that “now is the time to bet on the reindustrialization of Spain and Europe from the impulse of digitalization and innovation, the true element of competitiveness international". In this sense, he commented that “in addition to being users, we have to aspire to be actors, and for this we have to develop technology. We have a great opportunity ahead of us and we want to address it well, from a country commitment, combining all the technological, political, economic and social forces ”.

Mier commented that “we play the economic well-being of society in the coming years. It is important that we are prepared for the new opportunities offered by technology based on the promotion of digital skills ”. In this edition, in addition to the powerful and topical issues of the sector, new issues will be addressed, Mier explained. Among them are quantum technologies or digital taxation.

The inauguration has also had the participation of the rector of the Menéndez Pelayo International University, María Luz Morán Calvo-Sotelo, who thanked the organization of the Meeting, and recalled that the UIMP is a “unique project with a long history”. For its part, the vice president of Santander Spain, Isabel Tocino, has conveyed the satisfaction of Santander bank being an active part in these days. Bacon has expressed the relevance of the theme of the Meeting, "since technology is changing companies, the way of working and society as a whole." In this regard, he commented that digital transformation should improve the quality of life of citizens.

Digital reindustrialisation: it's time

Co-organized with Banco de Santander, this 33rd edition, whose motto is, “The moment of digital reindustrialisation”, will address individual interventions and round tables that will deal with major innovation issues from different perspectives: the digital reindustrialisation of the industry; taxation in the digital economy; connected vehicle and sustainable mobility; 5G connectivity and new business opportunities; professionals of the future in the digital field; Smart Cities, SDG and innovation and sustainability, among other topics.

During the morning, experts discussed the digital reindustrialization of the industry. Through two round tables, the need for companies to digitize to survive in an increasingly competitive environment and where technology is playing a strategic role in all sectors of the economy has been highlighted. Experts have agreed that there is no other way than digitalization, and that it represents an opportunity for all sectors. In this context, the importance of making the digital transformation of companies a priority for all levels of the organization has been addressed.

Isabel Celaá commitment to education in digital skills on the second day of the Meeting

Acting Minister of Education and Vocational Training, Isabel Celaá, has inaugurated the second day of the 33rd edition of the Meeting of the Digital Economy and Telecommunications of AMETIC, highlighting that the priority of the Government is to promote the digitalization of the economy and education. He said that the strong presence of the Government in office in this meeting is an "unequivocal signal that digital transformation is a transversal policy for the Executive." He also pointed out that digitalization is the unavoidable lever of economic and educational progress, and "must be approached with determination." The digital revolution will not be possible without digital education and the promotion of digital skills, ”he said.

He has valued the importance of public-private collaboration between companies, administrations and educational centers, since, in his opinion, it is the best way to jointly find specific solutions to the global challenges posed by digitalization in society. The representative of the Executive has also highlighted the important role of innovative schools, so that "they become the center of the education system and pollinate the rest", since they must prepare students for jobs that have not yet been created.

Celaá has added that the necessary reforms must be tackled to ensure that education and training are provided that allow digital skills to be internalized. "An adequate education to the challenges of the new times," he said. The minister has talked about incorporating training in programming, computing, robotics or artificial intelligence from an early age. He also highlighted the importance of having female talent in the ICT sector.

In relation to Vocational Training (FP), the acting minister has transferred the intention of the Government to implement a digitalization strategy in education and FP. He has also made reference to the collaboration agreement signed this year with AMETIC to establish the permanent revision and update of the Vocational Training Titles (FP) related to the technological and digital sector.

For his part, the president of AMETIC, Pedro Mier, said that we are living a revolutionary process of change in society, where digitalization is giving us great opportunities. Mier has moved the important task of promoting digital skills among workers, so that they retain their work, but also to have new professional profiles that will arise from the digitalization of production processes. The president of AMETIC has explained that “one of the great needs of today's society is to generate digital talent”.

The first discussion table of the day was on this subject, under the title of the professionals of the future in the digital field. In line with the comments made by Celaá and Mier, experts have highlighted the high demand for STEM profiles, and the need, therefore, to boost digital skills between young people and workers. They have also transferred the importance of retaining and loyalty talent.

The second discussion table of the day has revolved around the 5G connectivity and new business opportunities. The business opportunity offered by 5G to many companies has been highlighted, being one of the basic enabling technologies. In this sense, it has been commented that all connectivity technologies have had an exponential impact. From 2G to 4G, fundamental impacts were seen, and with 5G it is necessary to pursue an impact like the one that 2G had at the time in Europe, and in Spain, they have exposed.

What to learn from the incidents of cybersecurity more recent has been the axis of the third table of debate of the day. The speakers have stressed that cybersecurity must be part of everything we want to achieve, and not a final objective. They have stressed that it should not be conceived as a cost, but as an investment. On the other hand, they have expressed concern about the lack of professionals trained in cybersecurity.

The connected vehicle and sustainable mobility It has been another of the themes of the day. During the round table, Eduardo Valencia, director of the Think Tank of Mobility of AMETIC, commented that after defining last year the plausible scenarios for the development of the autonomous vehicle and intelligent mobility systems, the Think tank AMETIC takes another step to design the map of urban infrastructure of the future for sustainable mobility and its social impact.

In the afternoon, the AMETIC Reflection Group: The Future of Digital Society. This is an initiative launched by the board of directors of AMETIC with the objective that independent experts of high level and prestige contribute their reflections on topics of interest for the sector and for the industry, commented Francisco Marín, partner of Futureplus Ventures and coordinator of the Reflection Group of AMETIC. The Group has explained in a discussion table some of the topics that have been dealt with through informative pills published in the press.

Another theme of the afternoon has been the Health digital: Big Data and digital technologies to improve results. During the round table, the potential of technology in terms of efficiency and improvement of services provided in the healthcare field has been discussed. In short, the role that technological advances play in the health sector, and that should be beneficial to citizens.

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