Diego Gago remembers that the PP is the only one that has presented a Proposition no of Law in the Congress relative to the implantation of a unique test

New Generations of the Popular Party has presented today in Valladolid 'Your future is not a game', a campaign in favor of the unique test in all the Spanish territory of Assessment of Baccalaureate (EBAU) for Access to the University. Currently, there are inequalities in this test between the different Autonomous Communities, since each one decides the contents of the same, without equalizing contents throughout Spain.

The national president of NNGG, Diego Gago, has affirmed that "there is a social demand to solve this problem, as demonstrated by the mobilizations and collections of signatures carried out by students in recent months", while he recalled that "the Popular Party has been the first to take a step forward presenting a Proposition no of Law registered by the Popular Parliamentary Group in the Congress, last June 7, relative to the implantation of a unique test in all the Spanish territory ".

In this line, Gago has stressed that "a test common to all of Spain, with equal content and carried out simultaneously, would allow students to face access to the University with equal opportunities, regardless of where they reside, being a system more fair and equitable. "

Likewise, the president of NNGG has denounced that "the Government of Pedro Sánchez does not want a single EBAU, because it harms the relationship with its government partners and, therefore, limits itself to asking for a match in the correction of the test". In this regard, he has stated that "the Popular Party is the only party that has claimed it with absolute integrity, so I ask the other groups for responsibility so that this proposal can be implemented."

In order to make the single EBAU a reality in Spain, New Generations begins a campaign in which for months the universities across the country will be covered, highlighting the inequalities between CCAA with a roulette that symbolizes these differences between territories.

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