

The National Police dismantles three chapters of the Latin band Latin King that integrated the denominated Kingdom of Castile and Leon

12 people arrested in Madrid, Burgos, Aranda de Duero and Valladolid

The National Police dismantles three chapters of the Latin band Latin King that integrated the denominated Kingdom of Castile and Leon

The agents have practiced thirteen registries intervening symbols, emblems, clothes of the band, weapons, documentation and computer equipment among other effects

The criminal organization was composed of young people, born mostly in Ecuador, Peru and Colombia, subject to codes of conduct whose transgression leads from the expulsion of the band to physical punishments of the offenders

The three chapters of the band would integrate the denominated Kingdom of Castile and Leon formed by the Chapter of Burgos, Chapter of Aranda de Duero and Chapter of Valladolid

02-July-2019.- Agents of the National Police have dismantled three chapters of the Latin band "Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation" or Almighty Nation of Kings and Latin Queens, denominated in Spain Sagrada Tribu America Spain (STAS). In the operation, twelve people were arrested in Madrid (3), Burgos (5), Aranda de Duero (1) and Valladolid (3), which would make up the so-called Kingdom of Castilla y León. In addition, 13 records have been practiced involving various symbols, emblems, necklaces, flags, clothing typical of this band, as well as weapons (machetes and simulated guns) and baseball bats, among other effects, along with numerous documentation and material computer for study and analysis.

In Madrid, F.M.P.C. 28 years old, C.F.P.V. 34 years old and E.J.F.V. of 31 years, as presumed maximum leaders, at national level, occupying hierarchically the positions of responsibility.

In Burgos, J.M.T.S, aged 26, D.J.T.I. of 24 years, C.E.C.B. 30 years old, W.R.C.A. of 27 years and D.F.C.V. of 23 years, as members of the "CHAPTER OF BURGOS", whose maximum responsible would be J.M.T.S.

In Aranda de Duero, L.E.T.F. was arrested. 32 years old, presumed member and responsible for the "ARANDA DE DUERO CHAPTER".

In J. Valladolid J.R.M.Z. of 28 years, J.C.M.Z. of 21 years and E.A.R.G. of 20 years, as members of the "CHAPTER OF VALLADOLID", being J.R.M.Z. the alleged responsible.

Investigation and detention

The investigation was initiated in the month of March and has concluded with the discovery of the three chapters of the band that in turn would integrate the so-called "Kingdom of Castilla y León", playing J.M.T.S. the rank of greater hierarchy. In addition to being the latter the head of the Chapter of Burgos, as a subordinate group of the All-Powerful Latin Kings Nation.

It would be an organization with a pyramidal structure and a strict hierarchy, with established norms and codes of conduct, whose transgression involves disciplinary measures ranging from the expulsion of the band to physical punishments of the offenders.

The purpose of its implementation is to mark "their territory" and defend it against the intrusion of other Latin bands, such as Ñetas, Trinitarios or Blood 901, among others, which they consider as enemies, through the use of violence, often with machetes or large knives. Some of these young people have numerous antecedents, mainly by threats, aggressions and injuries produced in tumultuarias fights or armed confrontations with other Latin bands, and some crime against the property.

The twelve detainees have been placed at the disposal of the Court of Instruction number four of Burgos, which has decreed the recess in custody of five of them for belonging to a criminal organization and the rest have been released with charges.

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