

Intervened almost a ton of cocaine transported hidden inside false stones

Joint operation of the National Police and the Tax Agency

Intervened almost a ton of cocaine transported hidden inside false stones

§ Arrested 11 people who tried to introduce the drug in Spain using a load of 188,000 kilos of stones being several of them, really, a conglomerate of rocky appearance that imitates very convincingly the real ones

§ The agents had to hammer with all the bulky stones until they found those that camouflaged the drug, locating 785 packages of more than one kilogram of cocaine each one of them

§ The arrested formed an organization, composed of Colombian and Venezuelan citizens, dedicated to the introduction of significant amounts of cocaine in our country and its subsequent distribution to the rest of Europe

§ During the investigation seven records were made, including an industrial warehouse located in Humanes (Madrid) where the loading of stones was located

03-June-2019.- Agents of the National Police and officials of Customs Surveillance of the Tax Agency, in a joint operation, have intervened almost a ton of cocaine hidden inside false stones. Eleven people have been arrested who allegedly formed an organization dedicated to the introduction of significant quantities of cocaine in our country for later distribution to the rest of Europe. The drug was hidden in false stones that, distributed in a load of 188,000 kilos, were really a conglomerate of rocky appearance that imitates very convincingly the real ones. It was necessary to hammer the most voluminous stones with mallets until they found the ones that camouflaged the 785 packages that were located.

International drug trafficking organization

The investigation began more than a year and a half ago. The researchers were aware of the presence in Madrid of a marriage that led an organization dedicated to the introduction of significant amounts of cocaine in our country, for its subsequent distribution throughout the rest of Europe.

After several steps it was found that the investigated had a high standard of living and that, in addition, they had constant meetings with various people who had a history of drug trafficking.

The investigators detected that another of the investigated ones maintained a relation with a company dedicated to the commerce of stone, activity that used to be a European link of a cartel of the drug, and that traveled until Mexico to finalize the details of a transport of drug.

Cocaine hidden in stones

The investigations led investigators to know that an import was prepared from Guayaquil (Ecuador) of twelve containers of stones with an approximate gross weight of 188,000 kilos, declaring copper ore inside. After passing through Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), they arrived at the port of Barcelona to be moved to Zaragoza and, finally, to an industrial warehouse in Humanes (Madrid).

A few days ago, the investigators detected that the criminal group began the work of extracting the cocaine from the stones of copper ore that had been used as a means of concealment. Therefore they carried out the corresponding device and proceeded to the arrest of 11 people as well as the registration of seven buildings, including the Humanes industrial warehouse.

It was necessary to hammer the most voluminous stones with maces until they found those that camouflaged the cocaine, locating 785 packages of more than one kilogram in each of them.

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