"C1b3rWall" will be held from June 17 to 20
The National School of Police of Ávila hosts the "First Congress of Digital Security and Cyber intelligence"
§ It is an event, attended by some 2,500 people, organized jointly by the National Police and the Autonomous University of Madrid through its Institute of Forensic Sciences and Security
§ Will have a high degree of education thanks to lectures given by specialists in the sector, more than 50 workshops and a CTF (Capture The Flag) competition with live and streaming access
§ In addition to experts in the world of cybersecurity, anyone can attend these days by pre-registering on the website enabled by the organization of the event https://www.c1b3rwall.es
23-July-2018.- The National Police School of Ávila will host from June 17 to 20 the "I Digital Security and Cyber Intelligence Congress" called "C1b3rWall". It is an event organized jointly by the National Police and the Autonomous University of Madrid through the Institute of Forensic Sciences and Security. It will have a high degree of training thanks to lectures given by specialists in the sector, more than 50 workshops and a CTF competition (Capture The Flag) with live and streaming access. In addition to experts in the world of cybersecurity, anyone can attend these days by prior registration on the website enabled by the organization of the event https://www.c1b3rwall.es.
More than 2,500 attendees
During the third week of June will take place in the National School of Police, located in Ávila, the "I Congress of Digital Security and Cybercrime" baptized with the name of "C1b3rWall". The organization has been carried out jointly by the National Police and the UAM (Autonomous University of Madrid) through its ICFS (Institute of Forensic Sciences and Security). The number of attendees to this event will be approximately 2,500 people, most of them related to the cybersecurity universe, both in the private and public sectors. The organization has also opened a registration period on its website (https://www.c1b3rwall.es) where any interested person can request to attend the conferences of this event on digital security. Registration will entitle you to attend the lectures given at the Central Auditorium and a wide range of practical workshops.
High educational level
This concentration on cyberintelligence and security is distinguished from others of similar characteristics, thanks to the fact that the papers are joined by a CTF (Capture The Flag) competition and around 50 practical workshops of different topics with a high degree of training, such as:
1. Threats of Social Engineering with Kali Linux and SET.
2. Securing USB drives with CIRClean and RaspberryPi.
3. Face recognition in real time using Artificial Intelligence techniques.
4. Detection, encapsulation and correction of IT security incidents: Systems forensic analysis using Nagios.
5. Fraud analytics and social graph.
6. The Red Team of CaixaBank.
7. Reversing with Android applications.
8. Tools and configuration to gain security in our devices and communications.
9. Weaponing Telegram.
10. Deep Web in Depth.
11. Obtaining IOC for the preparation of the opponent's TTP.
12. Introduction to the characterization of malicious samples.
13. Interception of signals and SDR.
14. Analysis and reversing of IoT devices.
15. Intelligence about threats and malware analysis.
16. Forensic of a security incident caused by malware.
17. Machine learning for forensic data analysis.
18. Real solutions for fraud detection using automatic learning techniques.
19. Biometric techniques for security.
20. ICTs as a risk factor in intimate partner violence.
21. Forensic extraction of data in mobile evidence.
22. The laboratory of Q. Hardware tools to combat crime
23. Research and intelligence techniques in open sources.
In addition, the CTF competition will have public access live and with a more institutional area which can only be accessed with personalized invitation, but which can be continued in streaming in classrooms enabled in the school itself.
Among the speakers that will attend the "C1b3rWall" congress held at the National Police School, are: Ramsés GALLEGO, Strategist & Evangelist at Symantec, Núria OLIVER, telecommunications engineer and doctor at the MLITM; Josep ALBORS, head of Awareness & Research at ESET Spain; Pedro BAÑOS, Colonel of the Army of Earth specializing in geostrategy and security; Ángel GÓMEZ DE ÁGREDA, colonel of the Air Force and analyst of the Ministry of Defense; Alejando BECERRA, CISO Global of Telefónica and Deepak DASWANI, senior engineer in IT, hacker and expert in cybersecurity.