Awareness campaign

The National Police and the Legálitas Foundation say NO to hate crimes

Sensitizing the youngest, encouraging victims to report and preventing witnesses from showing their indifference to these types of events are the main keys to this campaign

October 21, 2020.- Under the slogan #DiNoAlOdio, the National Police and the Legálitas Foundation have launched a campaign aimed at young people with the aim of spreading, informing and raising awareness about hate crimes and their prevention.

The initiative is based on the agreement between two institutions that have been conducting awareness campaigns for different groups for years, through actions on social networks or face-to-face sessions in educational settings. This is how it is intended to show, through five videos in animated format, real situations in which different people or groups may be victims of possible hate crimes: social, generational, race or religion discrimination, sexual identity or orientation, gender, etc.

The videos put a special interest in showing not only the victims encouraging them to report, but also in sending a message to all those who witness this type of situation, with the intention of preventing them from showing their indifference to this type of facts.

The campaign will be disseminated mainly through the profiles that both institutions have on social networks, using a communication code that the youngest understands and that contributes to their education in this area, trying to prevent hatred from continuing to grow in our society and act accordingly, despising this type of behavior.

In the presentation of the campaign, Francisco Pardo Piqueras, general director of the Police, and Juan Pardo, corporate general director of Legálitas, accompanied by Rafael Catalá and Miguel Ángel Villanueva, board member and director of the Legálitas Foundation, respectively, have appeared.

In the words of the Director General of the Police, "the message we want to spread is aimed at society in general and our young people in particular, and wants to contribute to internalize values ​​such as equality, respect, tolerance and non-discrimination." Furthermore, Pardo Piqueras added that "we must all bear in mind that hatred has no place in our society and that the time has come to act and say 'no' to hatred".

For his part, Juan Pardo, general director of the Legálitas Foundation, has indicated that “with this campaign, the Legálitas Foundation helps to promote the values ​​of respect and equality before the law included in our Constitution and is involved in raising awareness among the youngest in the rejection of any type of discrimination. And what better way to do it, in collaboration with the National Police, which has been working for years in the education and prevention of this type of crime in our society ”.

The different videos of the campaign can be found on the website, as well as information about what hate crimes are, their types, how they are reported and how they are punished. The downloadable material available is aimed at serving as a basis for schools or associations to use them freely and, in this way, join this initiative, helping to raise awareness and eradicate this type of crime.

To download the videos directly, use this link:

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