Visita a Navia de Suarna

  • He asks Sanchez to “negotiate in Brussels in the face of a dog the allocation of the CAP that corresponds to Spain and the cohesion funds, which are so important for the rural world”.
  • He criticizes that Pedro Sánchez "just come to Galicia and sell us smoke". "We all know Sanchez's credibility, that whatever he can say in the campaign will end up doing the opposite," he says.
  • He regrets that Sanchez says in Galicia “that a four-party government is better, compared to the government that the Galicians mostly vote for” that is from the PP of Galicia.
  • We demand that "give solution to the problem of the electro-intensive industry" and accept the allegations that the Xunta has presented with the governments of Asturias and Cantabria "accepted by both companies and business committees."
  • He asks that “return to Galicia the 370 million euros that are owed to him, 200 million of the 2017 VAT and 170 million that correspond to him as a community that achieves the stability objectives”.
  • He affirms that Sanchez has been left with the money he owes "to pay the benefits to his nationalist and independentist friends, who are now passing the bill after putting him in the Moncloa."
  • It demands that the collection of the VAT that corresponds to all the municipalities be paid and that “let be the most delinquent person in this country”.
  • He considers that "it is a good time for Caballero or the rest of socialist candidates to claim Sanchez to comply with Galicia and the Galicians."
  • He regrets that next Thursday “Sánchez will meet with a disabled person and will receive the invoices to be collected by the Catalan independence workers, who unfortunately will end up paying all the Spaniards.

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