The popular regional parliamentarian Esperanza Oña has demanded from the Government of Pedro Sánchez more material means for the National Police and the performance of the Civil Guard in Catalonia, in the course of the support transferred by the Andalusian Popular Party in the plenary session of the Parliament to the bodies and state security forces.

Oña has denounced "the absolute inaction" of the PSOE regarding the Catalan situation, which has indicated that "it is not moderation or proportionality" as "sell the socialists."

In that sense, he stressed how the bodies and forces themselves are security "say they need material means to defend themselves" and "the police unions themselves, who need the support of the thousand Civil Guard agents who are like statues, immovable , unable to act in Catalonia ”.

Thus, he recalled the situation that Catalonia is suffering, where the security forces "are thrown washing machines, ovens and stones" and has dedicated his intervention in the rostrum of the Autonomous Chamber during the plenary session "to the seriously injured police."

For Oña, "the president of the Government, the King and any Spanish should be able to go to any territory of Spain without being afraid or having any problem", hence the need to provide the bodies and security forces of the State to act with sufficient means in Catalonia.

Likewise, the popular leader has also stated that from the PPA "we agree to improve the salaries of the National Police and the Civil Guard, which was an agreement of the Spanish Government of the PP with police unions and Civil Guard associations."

“It was a proposal that we presented in the Senate and that was supported, but has not been executed,” he denounced, ensuring that “Pedro Sánchez, in all this time President of the Government, has not done anything,” in addition to “not letting them act. "

“Why this inaction of the socialist government? Isn't it because you are afraid of independence? Isn't it because bridges to independence tend? Isn't it because you want to get back to the government with independence? Is it not because the motion of censure against Torrá was not supported?

In this regard, he has also lamented that the Socialist Party of Catalonia "has become a party for independence, which occasionally gives a varnish of Constitution", and has also criticized Catalan nationalism for being "the only one that is imposing an ideology from the institutions of independence ”and“ has been sanctioned by justice ”

"It is exclusive, racist, sectarian and unfair, and if we start from that base it is obvious to recognize that nationalism itself is insatiable, has a voracity without a cap, never thanks, never conforms and always wants more," said Oña.

"Therefore I demand that the President of the Government in functions not continue with the attitude that the PSOE has had of continuous and permanent assignments to Catalan nationalism", as when he did not support the motion of censure against Torrá, when he agreed to a financing system with ERC, when “it allowed only a weak application of 155 that did not go to the essence of the problem”, or when “it does not allow the Civil Guard to intervene in what is happening in Catalonia”.

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