Only VOX opposes the "confinement" of the Spanish in their homes and a new stoppage of the economy, and this was recalled this Wednesday by the senator of the formation for Ceuta, Yolanda Merelo, to propose in the Upper House a decalogue of measures that helps the tourism sector and, therefore, the hotel and commercial sector. Initiatives that are included in the NLP presented by VOX to rescue the tourism and hospitality sector, but that the PP has not wanted to include in its motion to approve a contingency plan that compensates companies in the tourism and commercial sector that are debated in the Senate.

Merelo has warned that "all activities are essential from the moment there are families who eat from them." For this reason, he has criticized that in some autonomous regions such as Andalusia, the closure of the ‘non-essential’ activity has taken place from 6:00 p.m. and that in Ceuta it is raised at 8:00 p.m. "Only VOX opposes the confinement and despair of many Spaniards who are not allowed to work," he added.

The senator has insisted that what entrepreneurs in the hotel industry, tourism and commerce, especially the self-employed, need is "certainty" and "security" and has reproached the Government for its "inadequate" policies that "do nothing but transmit instability". Thus, he recalled that what VOX proposes is, among other measures, to include in the tourism sector plans all the sectors related to it, to apply a reduced rate of 4% to the tourist VAT, to hospitality services and to the entrance to cultural shows, agreements with autonomies and city councils to make the conditions for paying local taxes more flexible, or to make opening and consumption hours more flexible, as well as for the installation of terraces.

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