- Casado addresses the voters of Citizens and Vox and asks for a "patriotic and responsible" vote so that around the PP "defeat Sánchez." “Spain is played by 10N,” he emphasizes.
- “We are in the final, there are only two teams, there are no half measures, or the PP wins or the PSOE wins. Any other team will be able to enter the field but it will put goal in the own goal of which supposedly was its ally to throw to Sanchez ”.
- He argues that to solve the problem of Catalonia the political project of the PP is needed, which adds everyone and with a program that serves to curb the independence challenges. Affirms that the State of Autonomies will not be questioned because of Torra. “The problem is not the Autonomies, they are the disloyal ones”, sentence.
- He warns that the PP will not facilitate any government of Pedro Sánchez and "with one more seat" announces that it will be presented to the investiture and there will be government in a week.
- Announces a battery of measures in social matters so that “the elderly do not lack anything and have the most appropriate care possible” and ensures that “the best way to pay for the Welfare State is to create employment”.
- Proposes the free choice of hospital and doctor throughout Spain; reduce medical waiting lists to a maximum of 30 days; that the answer to the request for dependency benefit does not exceed 30 days; maintain tax relief for the care of the elderly and for families with a disabled member; and increase the flat rate for self-employed people with disabilities up to 24 months.
- It undertakes to create a National Registry of Alzheimer's patients, as well as a National Strategy against loneliness, against elder abuse and active aging. Pablo Casado affirms that the PP is the party that guarantees the maintenance and sustainability of the pension system.