Churches has assured that "we are going to negotiate that in this country the article that protects the right to the housing is applied, and if for that it is necessary to allow that the market of the rent is intervened so that they lower the prices, because it will have to do it".
The general secretary of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, has participated this Friday in a meeting in Zamora beside Patricia Caro, candidate of United We can Change Europe to the European Parliament; Pablo Fernández, candidate of Podemos to the Presidency of Castilla y León; Sara Blanco, candidate to the Cortes of Castilla y León for Salamanca; Lorena Hernández, candidate for the Cortes of Castilla y León for Zamora; Y Fernando Martos, candidate for the Mayor's Office of Zamora.
Iglesias has stressed that "We need a government that gives security against the chaos of what they call neoliberal governancel«, to which he added that "we want to be part of a Government that gives more freedom and defends social rights".
Much of the intervention has revolved around the need to ensure that the rights set forth in the Constitution «Stop being wet paper». In that sense, he has expressed that at this moment "Our duty is to guarantee that the next government will be a coalition and will enforce social rights«.
Iglesias has assured that "we are going to negotiate that in this country the article that protects The right to housing, and if for that it is necessary to allow that the market of the rent is intervened so that they lower the prices, because it will have to do it ». In the same line, he referred to the protection of the right to work and the pension update by law.
He also affirmed that "we want to govern so that Article 128 of the Constitution, which says that all wealth will be subordinated to the general interest and will allow the State to build a public energy company bet on renewables and look at the private electricity companies one-on-one and be able to lower the bill of light to the citizens.
The general secretary of Podemos has said that this program will require «A change of style, the authoritarian style of always»For this reason, he recalled that "we are in a time when people prefer a government that talks and that the measures are the result of agreement and not arrogance, and that has to do with the new Spain that women and the feminist movement are pushing«.
He concluded his speech by saying that «we are very close to a Government in Castilla y León with Pablo Fernandéz, with We can guarantee things for people ».
During his speech, Pablo Fernández has defended the struggle of the elderly for their pensions in the street and has been convinced that Podemos will be able to shield them by law. He also thanked the women's struggle and the 15-M, "a movement that made many people wake up."
«We will be able to create quality employment so that young people do not have to leave Castilla y León, betting on R + D + i and for women to stop being discriminated wage and work, "he added.
He was also convinced that "Castilla y León has everything to be at the forefront of the energy transition. The change is that the current government stop doing corruption with wind energy, bring a sustainable and different model, that instead of macro farms bet on our farmers that they have to sell below the production costs. The change is a government that instead of worrying about the employer always worry about the fruit growers, bakers and freelancers ».
For her part, Patricia Caro recalled that this Thursday the Day of the Romani Resistance: "The Roma women pulled the sticks from the barracks of the Auschwitz concentration camp and confronted the SS, leading one of the biggest revolts that are remembered. This was the impulse of the Europe that put peace, cohesion and the rights of women in the center" However, to this day, "the EU has betrayed its people, putting itself at the service of the elites that make us more precarious and precarious", he has sentenced. This can only be fixed by United We Can Change Europe with its candidate at the head, María Eugenia Rodríguez Palop. Caro concluded her intervention convinced that "we went out to win the Europe of the 21st century, the one of March 8, feminist and green, free and proud of its democratic path".
In this meeting he has also participated Fernando Martos that aspires to the Mayor's Office of Zamora: «In order that Zamora does not die, it is necessary to recover the administrations and stop handing over the money to the private sector. We can not stop counting on people, we must go to the neighborhoods to give them participation. Today we want to listen to people in Zamora say that we can ».
Friday, May 17, 2019