La diputada del GPP en el Congreso de los Diputados, Paloma Gázquez

• The PP deputy points out that "a clear example of this way of acting that frightens companies is Nissan's decision to close its Barcelona plant."

• He warns that "the Government of Spain, with a terrible management of the health and economic crisis, is absolutely disoriented and disorienting society, leading it to the abyss."

• The bad data known by the industrial sector stands out, as a result of the Government's management, such as the decrease of three and a half points, to -8.4%, of the Industrial Price Index, and three points of the monthly rate of industrial prices.

• Complaint that "the Statute of electro-intensive companies does not meet the competitive needs of the integral steel industry fundamentally and in general of all metallurgy".

• He assures that "the Government of Spain, far from helping in the elaboration and application of an occupational health and safety protocol against COVID, has seriously hindered this adaptation to work systems".

• He states that "Spain urgently needs a relaunch of the automotive sector, which is undergoing a serious crisis that affects its entire value chain, which in Spain is a high percentage of GDP and jobs".

• Exposes the PP Plan to relaunch the industry which, among other measures, includes a plan to boost demand, an innovation plan, a launch of strategic pilot projects, a boost to industry 4.0, a communication plan and a significant reversal of the response to the coronavirus.

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