During an act in which the Vice President of the Government and Minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Nadia Calviño, and the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, Minister Duque has highlighted the need to bet on a Inclusive and sustainable growth, for which knowledge generation and innovation are critical factors.
The minister recalled that scientific research and the transfer of knowledge to companies are crucial aspects to guarantee growth and boost the country's competitiveness and productivity, so these areas should be a clear commitment of the Government. In this regard, Duque has explained that investment in R + D + I ─ both the public and, above all, the private one must be increased, impulsar boost the innovative capacity of Spanish companies, facilitate the work of scientists and recruitment of researchers or raise awareness in Spanish society of the importance of knowledge and innovation for the future.
Among the milestones to be achieved, the minister has stressed the need for greater investment in priority areas, such as personalized medicine or the blue economy, reinforcing the role of the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) as the main driver of Spanish innovation, attract large international scientific and technological infrastructures or boost scientific diplomacy. The minister has assured that these advances will allow Spain to retain and attract talent.
Transfer of portfolios
Ministry of Science and InnovationDuque has transferred the competitions in matters of Universities to the sociologist and university professor Manuel Castells. Both ministers have pledged to work in a coordinated manner. The Minister of Science and Innovation has also announced that his teams "are already working on the development of an organizational structure with operational coordination formulas."
During the time that Pedro Duque has led the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, several measures and reforms have been approved to improve the situation of the scientific and university community. An example is Royal Decree-Law 3/2019 of urgent measures in the field of Science, Technology, Innovation and the University that was approved in February 2019, which reduces the administrative burdens that hindered the development of scientific projects , facilitates the rapid and stable recruitment of researchers, increases the means to avoid delays in calls, enhances equal opportunities among researchers or improves the situation of those affected by the Renta-Universidad loans.
Regarding Universities, the Ministry has worked to articulate legislative changes, a work that will transfer to Minister Castells.