The minister has transferred the need to move towards an exploitation model that allows reconciling environmental and action objectives for the climate of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), and the improvement of competitiveness.
As stressed, the Government works to achieve a more sustainable agriculture, from the social, economic and environmental points of view. In this context, the Green Pact and the international commitments in the matter of climate force to advance in the conservation and improvement of the natural resources (water, soil and air), of the biodiversity and of the landscape, and in the mitigation and the adaptation to the climatic change. For this, innovation and knowledge transfer will be promoted, and the advice system will be strengthened.
To achieve these objectives, the minister considers it essential to have an adequate budget of the CAP. The Government of Spain has as a priority the maintenance of the current budget of the CAP in the negotiations that are being carried out of the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework. In the elaboration of Strategic plan National work is being done to adequately reflect the needs of the fruit and vegetable sector.
Planas has ensured that its department works to facilitate the recognition of producer organizations and their associations, to improve supply planning and manage short-term crises. These organizations are the most appropriate tools to respond to the needs of the sector.
Likewise, the fruit and vegetable sector requires innovation to make its farms more competitive. For this, it can rely on operational programs and support for the creation of operational groups and innovative projects of the Rural Development Programs.
Similarly, Planas has indicated the Government's commitment to a modern and efficient irrigation system, which takes as reference the efficient use of water and energy, within a framework of environmental sustainability.
In relation to brexit, Spain considers that the most positive scenario would be to reach a free trade agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom, which facilitates trade and avoids tariffs, since the British market is essential for agri-food products Spanish people. During the transitional period, the United Kingdom continues within the internal market and border controls will continue as before.
In relation to fruit and vegetable exports from Morocco, the Ministry of Agriculture is working with the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism and with the European Commission to obtain more information and transparency in the operation of import quotas.
Planas has indicated that both the Ministry and the European Union carry out a detailed monitoring of the behavior of Morocco's imports.
In addition, he recalled that the trade agreement contemplates the application of the safeguard clause, if the quantities imported produce serious market disruptions or serious damage is caused to the producing sector.