Planas underscores the need to provide greater transparency and balance to the agri-food chain

In statements to the media, Luis Planas stressed the need to provide greater transparency and balance to the agri-food chain, as one of the main measures to alleviate the situation of many farmers and ranchers, who, in recent demonstrations, have put highlight the low prices and low margins that affect them.

Minister Planas understands that, in a market economy, it is necessary to identify the margins of each link in the value chain. He has also asked for a collective reflection from producers, industry and distribution, who must collaborate to achieve fairer relationships, including citizens who, with their purchasing decisions, are also a fundamental link in the chain.

As he stressed, the Government will continue to work so that farmers and ranchers can see their legitimate demands fulfilled, "whose solution is not simple and involves the participation of many actors and an important negotiating effort."

In this context, tomorrow the meeting of the Observatory of prices of the chain will take place, which will focus on the analysis of two sectors especially affected, such as olive oil and fruits and vegetables. And throughout this week the minister will meet with the Federation of InFIAB, the autonomous communities, Union of Unions, fruit and vegetable producers and distribution companies, to complete the agenda of meetings and achieve higher prices , avoid volatility and promote social recognition of the primary sector.

The minister highlighted the Government's concern for family and professional agriculture, which constitutes "the immense middle class of Spanish agriculture". He pointed out that "there are farmers who are having a worse time, whom we have to help."

He has also pointed out the good prospects that the Spanish agri-food sector has, and has called for a joint effort to face the challenges of the future, such as improving competitive capacity and the introduction of innovation and technological development.

CAP Reform

On the other hand, Planas has highlighted the essential role of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) so that producers can maintain a profitable activity, through aid and investments that contribute to improving their competitiveness.

The CAP represents 61% of all community funds that Spain receives and Spain's claim is to maintain the funds of the previous period, with the aim that they can adapt with guarantees to a more innovative, market-oriented and sustainable agriculture, especially taking into account its greater environmental ambition. For Spain, the maintenance of the CAP budget is a matter of State.

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