02-22-2020 | Cs
Attached communiqués from Citizens and the Scytl company
Given the serious damage caused by the company Scytl, hired by Citizens (Cs) to provide the electronic voting service, The Guarantees Commission has decided, at the request of the Management Commission, by unanimous agreement, today February 22 at 5:00 p.m., to postpone the voting process for the election of the V General Assembly, as well as the primary processes for the election of the head of the list for the regional elections of Galicia and the Basque Country on April 5.
This decision has been taken before the company's inability to continue and carry out the telematic voting process for which Scytl had been hired, and therefore, the Management Commission has proposed, and the Guarantees Commission has decided, that the new dates for voting will be:
Voting for the election of commissioners V General Assembly:
- Telematic voting: on February 29, 2020 from 00: 01h until 21: 00h
- Face-to-face voting: on March 1, 2020 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Primary voting for the election of the head of the list for the regional elections in the Basque Country and Galicia:
- Telematic voting: on February 26, 2020 from 00: 01h until February 27, 2020 at 19: 00h