The VOX Parliamentary Group in the Valencian Courts criticizes that PP and Citizens have supported a Compromís initiative so that the Bonfires of San Juan are a World Heritage Site by Unesco, abstaining from the same VOX initiative, presented a month earlier.
For David García, VOX deputy who has defended the initiative, “The sectarian and partisan interests of Compromís have been evident, which look more for the interest of their own party and for the hatred towards VOX than for the interests of Alicante" In this sense, García stressed that it is an initiative without ideological dyes: “They have no qualms about ideologizing until the holidays. This shows us what they are capable of: rejecting an initiative in favor of Alicante and its citizens only for the mere fact of having been proposed by VOX"
The VOX trustee, Ana Vega, presented in the Courts, in November, a Proposal No of Law with the objective of initiating the procedures to achieve the reorganization of the Bonfires of San Juan as Intangible Heritage of Humanity by Unesco , as was carried out a few weeks earlier in the Alicante City Council. On the other hand, the Compromís Group later presented another initiative with the same intention.
During today's Education and Culture commission, David García has proposed to all groups to merge the two initiatives and vote for a group of all groups, since both were pursuing the same goal. Given this situation, Compromís has declined the offer simply because the initiative was based on VOX and the two proposals have been voted separately. PP and Citizens have supported Compromís, but they have abstained from VOX, "demonstrating once again that they are placed in that progressive consensus, and that many times they agree more with the extreme left than with us”, Said the deputy.