NEWS | 12/19/2019
Realmadrid TV will broadcast the meetings of Juvenil A, Juvenil B and Alevín B.
Burgos-Juvenil A (Saturday, 12:00 h; Realmadrid TV)
The first youth visit to Burgos willing to maintain the leadership of his group.
Youth B-Los Yébenes (Saturday, 7:00 p.m.; Realmadrid TV)
Those of Manu Fernández receive Los Yébenes-San Bruno at home with the intention of approaching the first place in the table.
San Sebastián de los Reyes-Juvenil C (Saturday, 6:30 p.m.)
The white subsidiary, one point behind the leader, will fight for its 12th victory in this League.
Villa Rosa-Alevín A (Saturday, 1:00 p.m.)
He Alevín A, which has not known defeat for four days, faces fifth place in the home.
Alevín B-San Sebastián de los Reyes (Saturday, 10:00 a.m.; Realmadrid TV)
The young alevín receives San Sebastián de los Reyes in his attempt to reach the first position of the classification.
Sporting Hortaleza-Benjamín A (Saturday, 09:00 a.m.)
The whites seek to continue their full of wins against Sporting Hortaleza.
Águilas Moratalaz-Benjamín B (Saturday, 09:50 a.m.)
Those of Victor Carvajal, who occupy the fourth position, will try to chain their third victory in a row.