The Spain Journal

Real defense for women and free masks, in VOX motions in Provincial Council

The Provincial Group of VOX in Diputación presents two motions to the plenary this Friday in the provincial institution. The first of them will ask the plenary session to urge the competent authorities in health, the Community Board and the Government of Spain, to provide masks for free while their use is mandatory. The second of the motions, which was born with the intention of becoming institutional and has the support of all groups, has to do with support for women.

The provincial deputy of VOX, Iván Sánchez has stated that “It is not normal that families that are unemployed, in an ERTE or that for whatever reason do not have money to make ends meet for even their food, electricity or heating, we have to force them to buy masks. A family nucleus of three people has an average cost of 108 euros per month and what we ask from VOX is that they be provided free of charge ". The purpose of the motion is to deliver masks from the regional government to all residents over six years of age and, once the state of alarm is over, to the applicant with a medical prescription.

"ANDn VOX we have been proposing a tax reduction on masks since April, we were, as always, the first and we are not satisfied with a VAT reduction. We are facing a health emergency of gigantic proportions. With more than 9,960 Guadalajareños infected since March according to official figures and thousands of residents unemployed and with economic difficulties having a hard time due to the pandemic. You have to act decisively and without half measures. To great evils, great remedies ”, the training spokesperson has concluded.

Real and effective support for women

VOX reiterates with its second motion its commitment to end any manifestation of violence against women, men and children. In this case, focusing on the female figure on the occasion of the Day Against Violence Against Women. Iván Sánchez recalled that “We are the only party that truly defends women because we are the only ones who ask for life imprisonment for those who rape or kill a woman. That is why we ask that an institutional motion be achieved truly defending women, regardless of where the violence comes from, be it man, woman or whoever it is ”.

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