Teresa Ribera has urged that political parties, companies, organizations and citizens implement a Pact for Green Recovery. During his appearance before the Reconstruction Commission of the Congress of Deputies, Ribera pointed out that, in the recovery process that Spain has to face "with maximum responsibility and rigor", it is necessary to build the foundations for "a sustainable future with people in the center and respecting the environmental limits ". "The focus of the recovery should be on the young," he said.
In his speech, Ribera recalled that the European plan to tackle recovery against COVID-19 "sends unequivocal signals to promote a green recovery", an agenda marked by the fulfillment of commitments in the fight against climate change and reconstruction of the EU economy from the drive to digitization, industrial modernization and infrastructure resilience.
In this sense, the fourth vice president has indicated that "Spain already has a correct map" to tackle this agenda: the National Plan for Energy and Climate 2021-2030, which establishes the path for decarbonisation for the next decade and identifies opportunities in terms of employment, investment and generation of economic activity linked to ecological transition; it has approved a Circular Economy Strategy, which sets the roadmap for progressively abandoning the 'use and throw away' model in favor of a circular system that is also a driving force for employment and new businesses; the draft Climate Change Law, which has been sent to the Cortes for parliamentary processing; the preliminary draft of the Law on Waste and Contaminated Soils and the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change, which is already in the public consultation phase, and which also marks the different niches of activity and job creation, especially in rural areas, which opens the necessary adaptation to a changing climate to ensure that Spain is a safe and resilient country.
"The transition is underway and it already has important references to activate a safe and supportive recovery." We have a committed society, a prepared youth, a business network that is driving technological development and innovation in process, "said Ribera. This is added, he continued, geographical conditions that favor "an exceptional natural capital" that places Spain among the best placed countries to accelerate the ecological transition. "We have also understood the importance of incorporating social inclusion in any recovery plan or transformation through just transition mechanisms, "he added.
During the appearance, Ribera revealed the potential that sectors such as sustainable mobility have for an intelligent recovery, which "implies opportunities to reinforce innovation and industrial added value, improve the air quality of our cities and rethink the urban mobility, generating more livable cities "; or construction: "We have important tangible improvements at hand, such as the energy rehabilitation of 600,000 homes, the deployment of self-consumption facilities and the protection of vulnerable homes."
As for the deployment of renewable energy planned for the next decade, the fourth vice president stressed that this is another of the big bets: "They are more competitive and affordable, more democratic and scalable." At this point, Ribera has indicated that the Government is working to complete "a stable regulation that transfers confidence, sustains demand and attracts private investment by generating employment." "We can reinforce our leadership in renewables and, at the same time, generate stable employment and reduce the electric bill for families and companies," he said.
The vice president for the Ecological Transition maintains that the activation of sector plans in these three segments – mobility, rehabilitation and deployment of renewable energy, mainly photovoltaic and wind energy – can offer economic returns and employment in the short term. In parallel, efforts must be focused on capacity development in strategic axes of the energy transition: capital goods for renewables, digitization, energy storage, renewable hydrogen, and offshore wind and sea energy.
Another key element in Ribera's opinion will be the "introduction of circularity" in priority sectors such as construction, agri-food, tourism or textiles.
Green and blue recovery
Ribera has also referred to the potential that the conversation of biodiversity and the care of habitats represents. "They not only express an ethical commitment to future generations, they also represent an investment whose profitability is expressed in terms of resilience, protection of the health and well-being of citizens and economic security, as they mitigate the risks and costs that new threats would pose. "he pointed out.
In this regard, he highlighted the potential contribution of sustainable agriculture in the economic recovery: "It constitutes a fundamental vector of growth in rural areas, also contributing to the fight against climate change and depopulation and providing territorial support. The agricultural sector He has just demonstrated its strategic relevance for the resilience of the system, "he pointed out, before referring to" overwhelming examples of exploitation "that still affect the country, as is the case of the Mar Menor situation.
"The transformation of the agri-food system can capitalize on the associated advantages of reducing the environmental and climatic footprint: raising the added value and competitiveness of the sector and promoting market orientation of productions. This is the positive dynamic that the recently approved European Strategy" of the kitchen garden "seeks to promote among the priorities of the Green Pact," he added.
In this section, Ribera has alluded to the possibilities of generating employment, reinforcing the social fabric in rural areas, which offers ecological restoration, the commitment to green infrastructure and the application of approaches that enhance the maintenance of the environment and offer payments for environmental services to the population that exercises custody of the territory.
Address the demographic challenge
The commitment to a green and blue recovery is directly connected with addressing the challenge posed by the demographic challenge, an issue that "must establish a country project that promotes full digital connectivity and sustainable mobility as a right, promotes recovery tourist and commercial and an economic diversification that attracts talent, fixes population and fosters the care and sustainable use of our environment. "
Aspects such as sustainable tourism, driven by the valorization of emblematic spaces with enormous potential, or close forest management, generate economic activity, offer employment in depopulated areas, and provide resources that diversify sources of income.
In order to take advantage of its full potential, another key line of action is adaptation, given that climate change impacts ecosystems and key sectors of our economy such as coastal tourism, agriculture or transport, in addition to such critical social areas like health or housing.
The National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change marks the actions and investments necessary to develop risk management tools, while pointing out the economic potential linked to this field of action.