09-25-2019 | Cs

The president of Cs proposes a salary supplement for national police and civil guards working in Catalonia to 'defend freedom'

"I ask Sanchez to reconsider and accept the meeting I asked a few weeks ago to address the situation in Catalonia." This has been said by the president of Citizens (Cs), Albert Rivera, who has asked the acting government president, Pedro Sánchez, to “rectify and, instead of talking to those who want to destroy Spain, talk to those who want to rebuild it " He has asked “what else has to happen in Catalonia to rectify and accept” to sit with the orange formation to speak, especially these days that arrests are being made to members of the CDR who allegedly attempted to attack.

"If Sanchez does not want to meet with us, he will be giving Torra the reason and he will not be denying half of the Spaniards and the majority of Catalans," he warned.

Accompanied by Inés Arrimadas, the leader of Cs has made these statements in Vic, where he considers "difficult to defend the freedom and feeling of Catalanness and Spanishness." During his visit he took the opportunity to meet with associations of Police and Civil Guard, to whom he thanked his work. In this sense, he has announced his proposal to give a salary supplement to the police and civil guards who work in Catalonia because, “thanks to them, there is more security and more freedom”.

He also stated that "the Mossos are under the command of the Ministry of Interior until Catalonia has a president at the service of all." "How will Torra order detentions if he is part of these separatist commands and is encouraging the CDRs by telling them to" squeeze "?" He asked. And he concluded: “I don't want to live in a country where Civil Guard barracks are surrounded and their families are threatened; where instead of paying tribute to those who comply with the law, it is done to those who break it; where someone is arrested with guns and politicians come out to defend them. That is what we are living in Catalonia. ”

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