11-05-2019 | Cs

The president of Cs says he wants to govern for 'families, the self-employed, the middle classes and all those who work it every day'

"I want to be a president of the Government that is not an obstacle or a blockade for the Spaniards." This has been claimed by the president of Citizens (Cs), Albert Rivera, during his speech at the national headquarters of his party after participating in the debate organized by the Television Academy. “If you are liberal, vote liberal; if you are from center, vote center; if you are brave, vote for brave people; if you feel like it, more than fear, if you believe in this country more than fear it; here we are, ”he added.

"It is clear that bipartisanship does not like to debate," said Rivera, who has also taken the opportunity to warn Sánchez that "if you want to govern a country like Spain, you should not be afraid to debate or answer questions."

The leader of the liberal formation has encouraged to "build, propose and build bridges" during the remaining days of the campaign so that "the Spaniards know that there is a political project that will be by their side." In this sense, he has appealed to the comeback and said that "who comes to Cs does not come to seek comfort, comes to look for risk, the difficult path and to change things."

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