10-02-2019 | Cs
The president of Cs assures that 'as long as Sánchez remains next to Torra instead of the constitutionalists, it is impossible for the dialogue to recover'
"I will ask Sánchez how many times they are a state meeting to discuss the situation in Catalonia and agree on the necessary policies," said the president of Citizens (Cs), Albert Rivera, who explained being willing to talk to any party constitutionalist He has insisted that he will ask Sánchez "expressly to rectify and support the motion of censure."
The leader of Cs has explained that the motion of censure against Torra is "the motion of coexistence, freedom, dignity and that any Spanish would have to support." Rivera has lamented the position of the PSOE and that "an acting president does not support the motion against who claims to be the Le Pen of Spanish politics." "Nationalism cannot be the government's ally, they have to be constitutionalists," he criticized.
"As long as Sanchez remains next to Torra instead of the constitutionalists, it is impossible for the dialogue to recover," he said. The president of the liberal party has stressed that "our adversaries are not the voters, they are the ones who want to separate the Spaniards and put walls. ”
Likewise, it has transferred its solidarity to journalists “assaulted and vexed” yesterday in Catalonia. "Do we not care what happens with the freedom of the press in Catalonia?" He asked. "I will not accept that they impose separation and secession on us," he added.
Prior to a meeting with the Parliamentary Group of Cs in the Madrid Assembly and charges of the Madrid party, Rivera recalled that "where there is agreement, there is government and leadership for families and regeneration." "They are the ingredients for Spain," said the leader of the orange party who recalled that "Madrid will be the mirror of when we rule in Spain." "You can not talk about birth crushing families and aid putting obstacles" so "we have come to remove obstacles," said Rivera.
The president of Cs has thanked the work of the liberal party team in Madrid "because we promised that we would be the lifesaver of families" and "the first basic measures of this government has been in two axes: support families and regenerate the public life". "Madrid will be the champion of transparency and the fight against corruption," he stressed.