The national deputies of VOX for Almería, Rocío De Meer and Carlos Fernández-Roca, have registered a question for which they request a written response from the Government regarding the protection of the Security Forces against Covid-19.

VOX has echoed the letter from the Professional Association of the Civil Guard (JUCIL) that it has submitted to the Government Subdelegation in Almería in order to demand adequate protection measures for the Security Forces that care for Almería residents in view of upcoming events.

The deputy, Rocío de Meer, recalls that in the province of Almería Phase 1 of the de-escalation is already taking place and it is fair that from JUCIL they claim protection. “The Government cannot afford to put the lives of our State Security Forces and Bodies at risk.

Likewise, JUCIL demands absolute transparency, but also hints at its concern over the lack of control of possible asymptomatic infected persons who may be spreading the contagion in the exercise of professional functions. De Meer affirms that "the Security Corps have the right to be protected and to be able to get home at ease not to infect their families."

It is already almost a constant in all sectors of essential workers and responds to a basic demand that the Government has not yet managed to cover. De Meer recalls that "after four states of alarm, we have verified that the most basic demand for our State Security Forces and Corps has not been met."

Taking into account the serious circumstances and assuming this phenomenon in such a case a danger to public health, VOX has asked the Government if they are going to perform a PCR test on agents from the province of Almería who are exposed to the risks of the coronavirus.

The Government now has, according to Article 190 of the Regulations of the Congress, a period of 20 days to respond, and this period may be extended at the request of the Executive for another 20 days.

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