Holders of his speech:
• The president of the Health Commission states that "the elderly cannot pay again for the mismanagement of the economic crisis seeing their pensions in danger, they already paid for it in the previous crisis when another PSOE government froze them and caused a loss of 70,000 millions of contributions from contributors ”.
• Stresses that "the only way to guarantee and protect the maintenance and future of the public pension system is job creation", for which it regrets that this Government has caused that, "in just two months, almost a million jobs and there are 8,300,000 people who are under some kind of unemployment benefit (36% of the working population). ”
• He points out that "Spain faces a triple challenge: an aging population, a low birth rate and a serious structural mismatch".
• It transfers the PP proposal for a Plan to support families, especially for conciliation and co-responsibility.
living place
• He assures that the Government's measures in the matter of housing are "scarce and ineffective, they have had little acceptance, excessive bureaucracy and poorly designed scales impossible to comply with", for which reason it fails to solve the immediate problem, as demonstrated by "only a 3% has availed itself of the rent aid and 10% to the cessation of the payment of the debt according to ASUFIN ”.
• Proposes "a series of concrete and urgent measures to respond to current housing problems: moratorium on evictions for mortgage credit, deferment of mortgage payments and debt restructuring, aid program and deferrals of rent, expand the offer of rent, collaboration with large holders of housing to promote housing for social rent, and the Land Development Law to promote the construction of affordable housing ”.
• Warns that intervening supply and demand with caps on rental prices would affect 4 million smallholders, 96% of the market.
Third sector
• Exalts the work of the Third Sector platforms, and thanks CERMI for the work of organizations of the social disability movement in Spain.
• Calls for "incorporating the perspective of disability in the process of social and economic reconstruction and the perspective of inclusion in a transversal way to avoid that the consequences of the crisis have a greater burden on people with disabilities and their families."
• Considers that "in the event of possible outbreaks of the virus, educational and social services require contingency plans and diagnostic tests for professionals and people residing in these centers, because they are the most vulnerable."
• Complaints that the Government has cut 2,400 million euros in active employment policies when these "are essential to respond to the employability needs of people with disabilities."
• Criticizes the Executive that it has reduced the amount corresponding to 0.7% of the Corporation Tax corresponding to the Third Sector when "they have been and are being key in helping people in vulnerable situations".
• Proposes support measures for families with disabled people in their care, especially in rural areas.